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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


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How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


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Anya and Brie’s Piano Recital

13 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Today is the day when, for the first time, Anya and Brie both performed in a piano recital.

Brie started her piano lessons in February, so it’s only been around 3 months since she learned how to play the piano, properly.

(Before she had piano lessons, Brie would play on the piano keys to find the tunes to familiar songs. I never force her to play. She somehow has that longing from the inside, which I’m truly grateful for! Because, we never force any of our kids to do any ‘lessons’ outside of school hours)

The piano recital was held at ‘Conclave’ at Kebayoran Baru.

One artsy building, and we took LOADS of photos by the window, on the blue sofa above, haha.


Anya and Brie spoke well in front of the crowd, introducing the pieces that they’d be playing.

Btw, Brie played three short pieces: Alley Cat Choir, Gallop Pony and Amazing Grace.

We hope they continually grow to love music.

And we hope it’s the beginning of more things to come for the two of them.

Vai: Swimming again!

11 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Those who follow instructions will learn faster.

Listening and following instructions … these are habits we hope our kids have since young. The younger they are, the more playful they are naturally. Not an excuse to not start the habit though.

Photo: Levi wears on his hands ‘hand paddles’ – the ‘resistance’ allows him to build strength on his arms and shoulders.

Anya: National Students Arts Festival 2018 – Poster Design

11 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Anya and her school friends spent a few good hours today at a nation-wide competition, organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture #kemendikbud

It’s called ‘Festival Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional’

One of the categories was ‘Poster Design’ and her school selected 3 students to go for ‘Grade 7-9’ individual category.

The given theme was: ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ – Indonesia’s ‘unity in diversity’ motto.

And so Anya went with her friends to the appointed venue, and she created THIS, on a piece of paper given by the committee.

🔴 The message was:

🇲🇨The lady is the personification of Indonesia’s diverse culture. Balinese headpiece, and the patchwork skirt is a combination of different Batik artworks from the 5 main islands in Indonesia. She is the ‘ONE’ in IndONEsia

🇲🇨The background represents Indonesia’s famous landmarks and beautifully rich nature

🇲🇨The lady points upwards towards ‘God’ as Indonesia’s ‘first principle’ in Pancasila is ‘Belief in one and only God’. So it is only by God’s grace, if Indonesia can stay as ONE amidst its diversity

🇲🇨The lady also points forward, as we must continually move forward towards a better future

The thing about the competition is, it apparently needs to be done ‘digitally’, using Photoshop, Illustrator or CorelDraw.

It was ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ in our digital era.

Participant was supposed to bring own laptop, too.

And errr, Anya and her friends did not know how to use the software just yet, nor did they bring any laptops.

In the end they were asked to join in and draw their poster manually on a piece of paper.


To me, whether Anya or her friends won the competition, … it is not as important as giving their very best within the short time given to them.

She’s a winner in our hearts for giving her all ❤️
(and for ‘nearly dying’ from drawing the batik patterns and completing everything within a short time, she said, haha)

Brie and Her ‘Good and Bad Behaviour’ Table

9 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Brie decided to make this ‘table’ yesterday, while Mommy and Daddy were away.

At the end of each day, she explained, the table needs to be filled: whether she does her homework, whether she behaves well, or whether she’s scolded 😳 The table is for the whole month of May.

Our family never uses such a method at home, btw.

Which makes me wonder, how on earth did she come up with the idea?

(PS: ‘Saturday’ is excluded, because it doesn’t fit on the paper, she said =)

Brie: Start of Writing Journey

9 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

In 2 weeks time, Brie – the littlest in our family – turns 7 years old!

Some 6 months ago, if I asked her to write a random story about anything, just some 2-3 sentences, she’d say, ‘I have no idea what to write’.

Last night, I spotted a surprise.

You see, Wilson and I were away for the whole day yesterday visiting our friends and their infant baby who’s fallen ill, and apparently while we’re away, she wrote quite a bit.

This is one of the ‘stuff’ she made on her own and I’d like to remember this as one of her milestones =)

Hope she keeps reading, writing, drawing, scribbling, observing, creating, learning.

PS: One of the 3 kids’ favourite is to sleep on our bed, yes all five of us squeezed together, hah. Something they look forward to every weekend – our ‘family night’. While we still can, I’d say ❤️☺️

Time … with Each Other!

4 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

All three kids have no school these 2 days.

Frankly, we are sooo tempted to leave the city and explore the great outdoors for some fresh air!

But then, the kids have big piles of homework, projects and preparations for final exams.

Plus, mommy and daddy’s work deadlines are piling.

So here we are.

Spending time doing school and work stuff, watching DVDs, AND most importantly, time with each other =)

Soooo looking forward to the school holiday in June and July!!

Beaches, mountains, fresh air … we are coming soooon!!

Brie: Losing Her Baby Teeth, but Not Her Smile

2 May 2018 | Posted in: Daily, Parenting | No Comment

You could lose your teeth, but NEVER should you lose your smile.

Many adults tease (make a joke or mocking remarks) young children when they lose their baby teeth.

Some tell these kiddos how their lost teeth make them look ugly, how they shouldn’t smile when photos are taken, how they should cover their mouth instead, etc.

(Sounds familiar?)

Not all kids are ‘affected’ by such ‘jokes’, of course.

But, over the years, I have seen young kids (esp. Teenagers) who become very self-conscious about their physical appearance AS THE RESULT of remarks made by others that focus on their ‘outer look’.

Your arms look so big!

Why do you eat so much, no wonder you are fat!

Why are you smiling so big for the camera? You don’t even have any teeth to show!

Our words can also break and discourage others, even young onesOur words can encourage.

But our words can also break and discourage others, even young ones.

Yes, even when spoken in a joking manner.

Let’s be more aware of our words – spoken or written?

Food for thought.

I’m A Mom : Being a Protective Mom & Tips to boost our kids’ natural defences

12 October 2009 | Posted in: Daily, Food & Health, Parenting | No Comment

[Please vote for Our Everyday Things in the I’m a Mom online contest! Click HERE to cast your vote. THANKS guys! And oh btw, comments are closed for this post yeah …]

[Anya at 8 …

What Are We Teaching Our Children, Other Than Reading, Writing and Counting?

26 July 2017 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

These days, many children as young as 4yo-5yo are expected to know how to read, write and count.
When they’re not able to, some parents start to worry and send their children to ‘reading and writing …

Sunday’s Food for Thought – Are we suppressing our kid’s fighting spirit?

30 September 2007 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment
Sunday’s Food for Thought – Are we suppressing our kid’s fighting spirit?

In the name of ‘love’, parents tend to provide ‘everything’ for their children. Buying for them what they like. Giving to them whatever they ask.
And when the kids are so much older, they’re still supported …

Marriage : Real Love Works!

1 March 2011 | Posted in: Advertorial, Marriage & Relationships | 8 Comments

Yep, that’s US close to TEN years ago!
It was when we were at the Registry of Marriage in 2001. I was twenty five, and Wilson was twenty six =)
It’s a little hard to believe at …

Sharing with the Kids that Daddy and Mommy are Husband and Wife

As much our kids need to see us as their Mommy and Daddy, I truly believe they also need to see us as husband and wife who need (and enjoy) time with each other, too.
The …

Better Today: 17 Years Together

7 July 2018 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

I guess we are now closer to ‘reality’ than 17 years ago.
On the left:
We’re well-dressed, in an air-conditioned studio, standing by a piano, and asked to look out a window (with no view, haha).
Things ‘had …

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