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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


Where inspiring thoughts and treasured life lessons are learned and shared.

Places to Visit

From Hong Kong to Bali, from Universal Studios Singapore to farmstays and beaches in Perth, we share photos, info and tips with you!

Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids

How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


Where precious daily moments are captured and seen through the lens. Sharing with you tips, iphone apps, and ideas too.

A very nice break

25 June 2005 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

We had a VERY NICE break today.

Family time. A day out with friends. No work. No computer. No business phone calls.

It all started with a nice get-together at a friend’s house, KFC for lunch, followed by a late afternoon walk around Boat Quay.

And the weather was oh so nice!! Clear blue sky. Gentle breeze. Spectacular city view by the river. And the sun’s warm touch on our skin was just PERFECT.

We took photos, walked along the Singapore River, ate at Burger King and watched fighter planes zoom right above us. It was deafening, but it was cool!! (They’re practising for the annual National Day Parade’s air show!).

We had a great time!

Going bananas

23 June 2005 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Yes. Anya can hold and eat a banana by herself now!

While she learns to be more independent, she of course still shows typical toddler behaviours, like clinging to my legs, whining and begging me to carry her while I’m actually rushing to get lunch ready.

Anyway, I know parents continually search for meal ideas, so here’re some links to some baby and toddler recipes I found on the Net. Haven’t got the time to personally test them out in my kitchen though … hehe.

>> Recipes with Beef and Lamb

>> Snack ideas for big and small kids

>> A few more baby & toddler recipes from Huggies

Daily memorable moments are …

22 June 2005 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

> when your kid wakes you up with a cuddle

> when she finishes up all her meal without a fuss

> when she gives you a kiss without you asking for it

> when she gets so very excited upon seeing birds near the playground, cats on the streets, big green trees! (… indirectly reminding us adults who often take for granted these God-given blessings)

Can’t wait!

18 June 2005 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Looking forward to my holiday!

Dirt and stuff

16 June 2005 | Posted in: Daily, Food & Health | No Comment

Anya now prefers to walk by herself. Still tumbles and falls, but she’d get up, clap her hands to remove the dirt and walk again.

The thing is, when she falls down both her hands are on the ground. And when I say ‘the ground’, I’m talking about the playground, the pedestrian walkway, the streets, the shopping centre, the food court, you name it. AND usually within 2 minutes, one of her fingers somehow ends up in her mouth!

I’m not a super-clean-can’t-get-no-dirt-on-my-family type of person. My philosophy is, if our kids are always super extra clean, never been exposed to much dirt and stuff, they’ll get ‘sick’ easier (read: their immune system is less strong)

[Having said that, I do NOT purposely let Anya play with the dustbin of course!]

Anyway, I am always amazed at how God creates our body system. It’s so excellent that we humans don’t throw up and fall sick each time some ‘unclean’ stuff enters our body. The germs in the air we breathe. The chemicals in our vegies. The bacteria stuck on our hands as we open public toilet doors.

I don’t know how much dirt gets into Anya everyday. But I know Anya is happy and healthy.

The situation we’re in today

14 June 2005 | Posted in: Inspirational | No Comment

I read about a fulltime mom who felt so thrilled when she finally had the time to sit in front of her home computer again and ‘do some work’. How she missed her busy working days in the past. How exciting it was to have activities other than ‘solely looking after the kids all day long ‘.

I thought about my own situation as I read about her. There were times when I was SO busy with work that I imagined myself doing none of it. I just want to enjoy my day with Anya. No business phone calls. No negotiations. No suppliers. No meetings. No quotes preparations.

I then snap back to reality and realise how fortunate I am to be in the situation I’m in today!

I get to spend time with Anya. I get to do work that I like. I run my own business. I have an online journal. I can go on and on about the many blessings I receive, being in the situation that I’m in today. The list is endless.

We are all placed in different and unique situations. I guess it all depends on how we look at what we have. The situations we’re in. And whether we see the glass as half-full or half empty.

Things we do before going to sleep

13 June 2005 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Some people need to get into different sleeping positions before they can really go to sleep.

As for Anya, she simply does a lot of things before she dozes off!

Being the Middle Child is Not Easy

10 June 2018 | Posted in: Parenting | One Comment

Being the middle child in the family is not easy.
First-borns get all the attention, because they are the FIRST child in the family.
The last-born, well .. he/she is the littlest, so naturally many parents choose …

Sunday’s Food for Thought – Are we suppressing our kid’s fighting spirit?

30 September 2007 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment
Sunday’s Food for Thought – Are we suppressing our kid’s fighting spirit?

In the name of ‘love’, parents tend to provide ‘everything’ for their children. Buying for them what they like. Giving to them whatever they ask.
And when the kids are so much older, they’re still supported …

Baby no. 3 : Week by Week Pregnancy Journal

27 October 2010 | Posted in: Parenting, Pregnancy & Babyhood | 8 Comments

We’ve all heard a lot about how we parents tend to be very ‘on’ when we had our FIRST baby.
We recorded every single thing. We took photos. We read books and registered ourselves on baby …

Marriage: Different, But Okay!

28 April 2021 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Are Wilson and I different?Yeah. I think we have our differences.He’s very into sports (read: tennis).He’s into coffee, while I’m into my cup of tea. He remembers roads and directions really well, while I’m quite …

Food for Thought on Valentine’s Day

14 February 2019 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Whether we realise it or not, our perception / expectation of what Valentine’s Day ‘should be like for us’ is influenced by ‘how much we choose to absorb and accept’ the values found in:
– the …

Together for SIX years

7 July 2007 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

And that’s how long Wilson and I have been married for. As of today *smile*
I still remember the day when quite a few of our friends (mostly older and married couples) got together before our …

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