It’s not easy being the big sister I guess.
She’s so used to getting all the attention of both parents. And all the toys found at home most likely belong to her.
And when another little one joins the family, she’s ‘expected’ to welcome the new member with open arms; to somehow learn and accept the fact that she’s no longer ‘the one and only child’ receiving all the attention and time.
Kinda tough I’m sure. Especially for someone who’s just past the age of three.
I often try to put myself in her shoes. To try and understand how Anya must have been feeling now that there’s Vai around. That her toys now need to be shared. That Mom seems to be with the little brother more because he’s still a baby and needs to be breastfed, fed at mealtimes, diaper-changed, etc.
But frankly, it’s also not easy for me to always be ‘understanding’ and ‘accepting’ whenever this big sister is cranky and fussy (though the whole act is done in the name of ‘demanding more attention from Mommy’).
In the end I think, we all get to learn.
I learn to balance and juggle everything with more patience, wisdom and perseverence (I can only do this with God’s help and strength).
And Anya gets to learn how she needs to think of others, share what she has and care for another too.
Oh well. That’s life. A never ending learning journey for everyone.
And how much we learn and how far we change and develop towards a better self is entirely up to us.