“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …
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Thanking God constantly for watching over this little guy of ours every single second in the past one year!
When we observe the behaviour of people in general – including ourselves – it’s always interesting to see HOW we react to different situations around us.
Like when we help others, the people whom we’ve helped may not appreciate our kind gesture. In fact, if help is continually given over a period of time, the recipient may ‘expect’ us to ‘continue’ on helping. In the end, it may even be seen as our ‘obligation’ to help.
Or when we’re in a difficult situation and we ask for help, we often sort of have this ‘expectation’ (however little) for others to help us. But once we’ve received help, we may not help others who are in a similar situation like ours just earlier on.
A classic example is when we’re about to board a crowded train and we’re running a bit late.
We need to squeeze in and get on the train. Other people (sometimes) end up squeezing further into the train so that we can get on board.
Now. When we manage to get on the train (pretty squashed, but at least we’re ON board), and there are others who also want to get on, we may have this feeling of not wanting to squeeze in further to accommodate them (although there’s still a bit of room).
Interesting, isn’t it.
Whoever’s first (in any aspect of life) tends to be full of pride and less likely to help others who’re in ‘less favourable’ situations than him.
It’s human nature. That’s how people in general react.
And that shows how we’re simply sinful beings.
The question is,
Do we stick to our so-called ‘nature’ and use it as an excuse to justify our indifference towards others in need?
Or do we acknowledge our weaknesses and tendency to ‘not care’ about others, and make a change.
Within ourselves. And for the good of others.
It’s our call.
In every way I showed you that by working hard like this we can help
those who are weak. We must remember what the Lord Jesus said,
‘We are more happy when we give than when we receive’.
Acts 20:35
My event is due tomorrow. And so as we went to the site to check on the setup and everything, the kids came along with us.
They sat on the side bench and munched on their snacks. Vai crawled on the stage. Anya checked out the men working on the backdrop.
Ah. I guess one day, many years from now, when we look back to a day like this, it’d be interesting to remember how the kids since they’re very young somehow get to ‘see’ what we do, how we work, the stuff we juggle everyday.
And my hope is for them to see how we always strive to give our best in everything that we do. And that even when we’re busy with work and other commitments, they’re never really ‘left out’ nor ‘forgotten’ by us.
Easier said than done.
But we’re trying our best.
And oh, of course when we’re done with work, we met up with my parents and spent the rest of the day with them.
We walked and walked till the soles of my feet longed for a good rub.
Sure was a really full day for us.
Out by noon. Back home past 10pm.
Rather exhausting. But it’s been fun.
Here’s something simple that anyone can do with their kids (if they haven’t already tried it)
What we used:
>> Different coloured straws
>> Paper carton
>> Glue and scissors
Using a pencil, I faintly wrote Anya’s name on the paper. All in capital letters (she’s yet to learn all small letters of the alphabets)
I cut the straws according to the alphabets’ stroke-lengths.
Anya then did all the glueing and pasting, using the faint lines as her guide.
For Anya’s case, this activity allowed her to remember HOW her name is spelled (instead of just knowing how to say ‘A-N-Y-A’).
You see, though she can spell out her own name, when it comes to writing it, she somehow ends up with ‘A-A-N’ or ‘A-N-A’. The letter ‘Y’ often ends up somewhere else on the page! Hehe. Not quite sure why.
Well anyway.
There are heaps of crafts stuff we can do using drinking straws.
Here’re some great ideas:
>> Drinking straw crafts – about.com
>> Straw crafts ideas by teach-nology.com
My parents are here for a few days and we all went to Vivo City today.
And this is them having a go at the slide. Together. For the first time.
Anya seemed to have fun.
Vai, on the other hand.
He’s nearly stripped off his clothes by the time they both reached the bottom of the slide! Haha.
Precious moment, captured.
PS: Photo was taken by my dad.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen these in person:
… A maid putting on the socks, for a TEN-year-old child (and no, he’s not injured or anything)
… A Dad waiting by the tennis court side …
Hello world!
I’m back!
Just in case you’ve just started reading my blog, … here’s a quick update:
I’ve just returned from my never-ever-been-done-before 6-day trip to Cebu and Bohol, in the Philippines! =)
(When I said, I’ve never …
People ask me, ‘Do your two kids ALWAYS get along with each other?’
And I’d be like, ‘Noooo … of course they don’t ALWAYS hug and cuddle each other lovingly.’
They’re after all individuals who have unique …
Something sweet my husband wrote on his Facebook wall yesterday =)
That night, as we both chatted about this and that, I shared with him my thoughts on what he wrote on Facebook.
I said:
You know what? …
Sin makes husbands and wives say to each other:
‘It’s your fault!’
‘It’s because of YOU!’
‘You did it!’
Husband and wife blame each other.
They each focus on ‘self’ (I need to be heard, I need to be …
Driving past homes, we naturally love seeing beautifully maintained lush gardens with well-trimmed flowers and trees.
Such gardens don’t happen over night though.
Countless hours of consistent care and maintenance must have been given to produce such …