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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Love and Commitment. 18 Years.

7 July 2019 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment


Sharing thoughts on relationships and marriage that we were blessed with earlier today.

When talking about ‘love’, many people say that it’s about being physically intimate. Many also focus on youth and beauty when seeking love and relationships.

The Scriptures however say:

– Love is patient and love is kind (Indonesian: Cinta itu panjang sabar dan murah hati)

– Love is being tolerant towards our spouse.

– Love is long suffering and long waiting. Love is full of grace

– Marriage is about a union between two sinful people, to do and apply godly principles in loving one another till death separates the couple.

– Marriage is a process, where BOTH must learn to train themselves to love, to be humble, to wait, to exercise self-control, to persevere, to sacrifice, to stay strong, to be patient towards one another.

(Inspired by today’s sermon by Rev. Stephen Tong)

What a timely message for us today, as we remember the 18 years of grace God has showered to us.

I’m thanking God for this man 🙏🏻

May we continually learn to be a blessing to others, as husband and wife 🙏🏻


A Day at the Beach – Sambolo 1, Anyer, West Java!

4 July 2019 | Posted in: Places to Visit, Video | No Comment

We LOVE the outdoors.

And we love the beach!

And so there we were, tanning ourselves before school officially starts again next week! =)


Here are some quick tips and info:

– We went on a Wednesday. We left at 7.30am and it took us 2.5 hours from Jakarta to this beach called Sambolo 1 at Anyer.

Why Sambolo 1 beach?

Because to us, this beach is nice and clean. We always come to this beach whenever we go to Anyer.

– When you see Makassar Seafood restaurant on your left, then this beach is near. Sambolo 1 will be on your right.

This restaurant is btw where we had our lunch after our beach visit =)


– Entrance to ‘Sambolo 1’ beach parking area now costs Rp. 75.000

– Renting a ‘hut’ now costs Rp. 80.000

– Coconut now costs Rp. 15.000 each

– One-hour massage costs Rp. 50.000

(Old ladies would approach you to offer their services. They’d proactively massage your shoulders to give you a ‘foretaste’ of their massaging skills)



Usually by around 12pm, we ask the kids to finish up and shower.

Now, here’s one common question I get asked by others: How’s the toilet there?

Well, the ‘toilet’ area is … simple.

You’ll find a row of cubicles with concrete floors and wooden doors.

Water is available in a ‘bak’ (pronunciation: ‘buck’). A ‘bak’ is a concrete tub filled with water.

You then ‘bathe’ by scooping some water using a ‘plastic bowl with a handle’ (called ‘gayung’ in Indonesian, pronunciation ‘guh-yoong’) and pouring the water unto yourself.


Do bring along your own shampoo, soap, towel, etc.

And oh, there’s no electricity, so your cubicle would be little dark =)

Price per person is as written on the wall (above picture)

Basically, it’s Rp. 4.000 per person, to shower, pee, change clothes, or poop =)

Okay, anyway, here are more photos to share!


And here’s a short video of our family’s day out at the beach!


The Spirit of Volunteerism


This is something that we hope our children learn through their involvement at the recent international tennis event’s Tennis Kids Festival (part of Pertamina 25K ITF Women’s Circuits)

Learn to put the needs of others before one’s own. Learn to serve and handle different situations. Learn to NOT easily complain or feel ‘tired’. Learn to experience ‘joy’ from helping and serving others. Learn to offer help to communities.

And another point that we specifically emphasise is, to NOT be driven by money, but instead, have the spirit of ‘volunteer FIRST’.

ie. Thoughts that should immediately be deleted from the mind include:

‘I’d help only if I’m paid!’

‘How much will I get paid for doing it?’

‘Now that I’ve helped, can I get paid?’


[The face-painters with Aldila Sutjiadi, who brought gold for Indonesia in last year’s ASEAN Games’ mixed double tennis.

Wilson and I believe – and emphasise to the kids – that money should NEVER be one’s motivation, especially when you’re still below 18yo. ie. Young minds need to be shaped with these values, not become ‘money-minded’.

(This is one reason why ‘prize money’ should never be given in competitions. Kids should just enjoy the games and the getting together with others.)

If you truly do your best and deliver high quality services, and if you’re given tokens of appreciation in a form of money, then it’s a different matter. It should never be our motivation, though. And, it’s also okay if we decline the offer)

Unfortunately though, the world we live in tends to focus on ‘monetary values’. ie. Something is ‘worthy’ if it has dollars and cents to it.

Not everything has a price tag, though.

And hopefully, through giving our kids such opportunities to volunteer, they slowly learn the true spirit of volunteerism, too.


PS: Anya and her friends were involved at the face painting station. They helped out with running some errands, too. Levi manned the registration table and sales of shirts. Brie, well … she’s here and there =)

Ever Felt Mommy Doesn’t Love You?

21 June 2019 | Posted in: Daily, Parenting | No Comment

‘Have you ever felt that Mommy doesn’t love you?’

All 3 kids paused to think for a while.

And their answers were all very much the same:

‘I am angry when you scold me. But I know that you love me.’

To which I replied:

‘Hmm, okay. That’s very normal … I never liked it when I have to scold any of you, too. I prefer to laugh and just have fun. But there are times when I have to, for your good, and I have no choice.’

We had loads of such talks yesterday and I’m glad and grateful that we did.

Location: Tebing Keraton, West Java

VLOG: Stone Garden Padalarang, Bandung, West Java

6 June 2019 | Posted in: Places to Visit, Video, VLOG | No Comment

When we think of holidays, we Indonesians often think of going ‘overseas’.

While exploring the land beyond Indonesia is awesome, Indonesia has a LOT to offer as well, and that’s what we’ve been doing with our family over the years.

We checked out Stone Garden recently, only 25km from Bandung, West Java.

Hardly any hiking necessary, and the view is awesome!

When we’re there, the area was kept clean, too! Thanks to the locals who look after the area.

(Note: Whenever and wherever we are, please please look after the environment and NOT litter!)

Here’s a quick glimpse of our visit to Stone Garden Padalarang!


What We Teach and NOT teach, Matter to Our Children’s Future

25 May 2019 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment

Why do I let my kids in the kitchen and cook simple meals for themselves and for the family? Am I not afraid they’ll get splattered by hot oil or touch the sides of the hot wok and injure themselves?
My reply?
– As parents, we worry too much about too many things. And our worries may end up ‘robbing’ our children from skills they need as adults later in life.

What kind of adults are we raising?If we don’t allow opportunities for our kids to learn ‘basic life skills’ at home since young (basic cooking skills, managing a home to be ‘relatively clean’, tidying up after using something, basic manners and responsibility, etc), what kind of adults are we raising? What kind of a wife, a husband, a colleague, a friend, will they become?

(Btw, I don’t expect them to ‘master’ the skills, eg. They don’t have to be a great cook – well, unless they want to and they have the talent for it👩🏻‍🍳).




Of course we guide and supervise them.

It all starts from our homeAnd when they do get hurt (eg. Pricked by a needle while learning how to sew), which they most probably will, we help them and we explain how it is okay as it is part of learning anything in life, ie. You don’t become good in something without making any mistake at all.

Mistakes / minor injuries are fine.

Just try again.

It all starts from our home, from us as parents, if you ask me.

What we teach and NOT teach, matter to our children’s future.

Food for thought.

About the Riots after Indonesia’s Presidential Election Results

24 May 2019 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment


What’s happening in Indonesia right now still puzzles me.

Three common comments I’ve been seeing:

**’Jokowi should resign, like Soeharto back in 1998!!!’**

>>> Have you been in a game before? When a player has officially been declared as the winner by the umpire and the international boards, then should he resign and give the winning title to the ‘loser’, simply because the loser consistently screams out, ‘Unfair! Fraud!’, especially when NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE has been given and submitted in the court of law by the losing party?

(Can’t wait to see their real evidence, which is supposed to submitted today)



**’The police should stop attacking the people!’, some claimed.**
>>> Like, seriously? If a peaceful rally is held, and yet they’re attacked by the police, then YES, the police is totally at fault.

But the mob threw rocks and molotov cocktails and firecrackers towards the officers. Ever wondered HOW COME THEY HAD THOSE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE?
If the mob looted shops, burned cars and attacked the police, should the police officers stayed silent and DO NOTHING?

I totally don’t get the logic.



**The rioting mob is not part of the peaceful demonstrators who simply wanted to voice out their protests against the election result!**
>>> Well, the police DID NOT fire tear gas towards the peaceful demonstrators during their peaceful rally, did they?

If extremist groups took advantage of the situation and ‘joined’ the peaceful demonstrators, and the extremists then started the riot, causing the police to respond, and as a result, some of the peaceful demonstrators – who happened to still be amidst the crowd – were hurt, … well … unfortunately that’s inevitable, isn’t it?

Just because there are ‘non-rioters’ amidst the rioters, does it mean the police MUST NOT respond to the rocks, molotov cocktails and firecrackers thrown at them?

I feel like I’m watching little kids throwing tantrums for not getting what they wantI totally do not get the logic.

I feel like I’m watching little kids throwing tantrums for not getting what they want.

(Which btw was a repeat to what happened back in 2014, by the SAME CHILD and his friends!)

Dealing with such victim mentality over these past few months is so exhausting.

I SOOOO look forward to a better Indonesia. We are so behind compared to other neighbouring countries due to these group of politicians.

All photos in this post are taken from this article:…/asia/indonesia-election-riots.html
Mr. Prabowo has not substantiated his claims of fraud, and international observers have not found evidence. In a statement on Wednesday, the United States Embassy in Indonesia called it “a successful, free and fair election.”

Win and Lose Gracefully

21 May 2019 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment

‘I must win and if I don’t win, I will not accept it and I will make a big fuss about it!!’

One of the things that we emphasise to our kids is:

When you play or when you are in a game or in a competition:

– if you win, be humble, be thankful and appreciate the ones who lose. They don’t win this time round but it doesn’t mean they are a ‘loser’.

– if you lose, accept it with grace. You may feel sad, and it’s okay. Self-evaluate your game, spot areas that need to be improved, and be driven to practice more, and strive to do better the next time there’s an opportunity. Congratulate the winner, too.

Opportunities to train the heart (and let them recognise their own tendencies) are plenty.

Eg. When someone else gets a better exam result. When a teacher praises a classmate’s work and our child feels that her work is better. When they have a race and they don’t win.

Some get angry and throw their rackets to the ground when they lose a gameSome children (including mine) sulk when they ‘lose’.

(It could be as simple as ‘let’s do scissor paper stone to see who gets to sit next to mommy at the restaurant’. Yes, that’s between Levi and Brie 🙂 )

On court, some get angry and throw their rackets to the ground when they lose a game.

Some others deny the fact that they’ve lost, and start blaming everyone else (other than self!) for the result, eg. The umpire, the weather, the unfair judges, etc.

Some parents buy gifts for their children when they sulk from losing a game.

They may even say, ‘It’s okay! They don’t play as well as you, and I also don’t understand why they win. You’re always the best in our eyes! YOU should’ve won!’

Some others deny the fact that they’ve lost, and start blaming everyone elseIt may seem simple, but the ‘unhealthy’ mentality of ‘I must win and if I don’t win, I will not accept it and I will make a big fuss about it!!’ should really REALLY be shaped, rebuked, guided since young. By us, the parents.

Otherwise, … we’ll see more and more adults displaying such mentality, in their family, at work, in public, and even … in politics.

May our children be spared from such episodes when they’re grown-ups because WE do our part in guiding and teaching them about ‘playing well and fair’ since they’re really young.

Food for thought.

My daddy, my guide

9 September 2008 | Posted in: Parenting, Photography | 5 Comments

As much as a mommy is a child’s primary caregiver, I feel the presence of a daddy who plays an active role in the upbringing of a child is equally important.
Daddy brings balance to a …

Parenting : The Feeling that I Should’ve Been Better …

28 April 2014 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | 2 Comments

Ever felt that?
That you haven’t done enough for the children?
That you wish you could’ve done better as a Mom?
Well, I’m sooo feeling it this past week.

Somehow I just feel … incapable.
Incapable of juggling and keeping …

Baking, Cooking: Learning Since Young

1 June 2020 | Posted in: Daily, Parenting | No Comment

Am reminded today by Facebook how we have allowed our kids to be involved in the kitchen since they were little.
The youngest, 9yo, can now bake yummy banana cakes, cook vegetables for our family lunch …

Reality of Approaching FORTY!

13 January 2015 | Posted in: Daily, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment


No, I don’t mind people knowing my real age.
I’m going to be 39 this year.
Seriously though, I do feel the number ’39’ to be … old! Haha.
Perhaps, it’s because I don’t ‘feel old’?
When I was …

Happy Father’s Day

19 June 2011 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships, Parenting | No Comment

If you ask me,
I’d say there’s no such thing as a perfect Dad or a perfect Husband.
But there is a Dad
who gives his best for his family
who makes time to play Lego bricks, tell bedtime stories …

Marriage: Different, But Okay!

28 April 2021 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Are Wilson and I different?Yeah. I think we have our differences.He’s very into sports (read: tennis).He’s into coffee, while I’m into my cup of tea. He remembers roads and directions really well, while I’m quite …

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