“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …
These days, being able to physically go to school is a treasure.
I don’t know how it is with your kids, but mine look forward to attending school physically, meeting friends in person, and listening to teachers who actually stand in front of them.
This photo was taken earlier today.
Tomorrow all three of them are back to online learning.
I look at my 3 kids and I feel time flies real fast.
(The eldest turns 18 in less than 2 months!)
Anyway, just the other day, I found my old notes from attending a parenting seminar some years ago.
Am grateful for the reminders.
Here are some of them:
Our children are entrusted into our hands for a short while, for us to raise and teach according to their Redeemer’s plans and will. They are not like paintings or antiques, which we put on display to gain people’s attention and compliments.
Children are like arrows (Psalm 127), and parents will need to release their arrows one day. The question is, have they been prepared to live in the world and to be away from us?
Raising children is a spiritual warfare. Whether or not our children care about spiritual matters depends a lot on whether their parents introduce them since they’re little.
I often say to my kids, “I don’t know how much time I still have with you. No one knows when we’ll leave the world. But as long as you are still with us, Mommy and Daddy will teach you, as much as possible, things which you need to know and learn, to live in the world without us. You may not like it when we rebuke / tell you off / ask you to stop doing something which we believe is not good for you. Dealing with your resistance / talkbacks are emotionally exhausting, too. But the way I see it, it’s like preparing each of you to go to war, we need to equip and train you as best as we can, while we still can, before you actually leave home. We do what we need to do, because we love you and we are accountable to God to raise you during the limited time we have with you.”
I know I am still learning along the way.
May God help every parent, and give us the wisdom, mercy and patience needed daily.
A year ago, this is how I looked like.
Very pregnant. Couldn’t really see my feet. Couldn’t bend down without feeling like I was about to gag or something. Couldn’t sleep well. Ate a lot and …
“Other than to stay healthy and fit, what other benefits can a child gain from playing sports?”Many, we’d say.Here are some of them:Social skills, which will help them in their growth as people, not just …
Some people said, things should be ‘easier’ for us when baby no. 3 arrives, because Anya and Vai are older.
[ie. Since they’re much older, they would be of great help to us and the baby. …
To many of us, we’re often so caught up with our roles as parents that we unconsciously ‘forget’ about our roles as husbands and wives, which are equally important.
Do we make a good team together? …
Are Wilson and I different?Yeah. I think we have our differences.He’s very into sports (read: tennis).He’s into coffee, while I’m into my cup of tea. He remembers roads and directions really well, while I’m quite …
Many people enter marriage with idealistic thoughts of how a marriage ‘should be’.
That there’ll be hardly any arguments. That all exchanged words will always be romantic and sweet. That the home will always be neat …
My name is Leonny and I’m a Mom of three – Anya, Vai and Brie. I love to capture and share what I treasure, learn and observe in life, which includes parenting thoughts and other pro-family messages – basically, topics that are close to my heart. I hope my blog can inspire everyone who comes to visit.
Connect with me on Facebook (leonny.atmadja), Instagram (leonny_oureverydaythings) and subscribe to my Youtube (youtube.com/watchourchannel)