Parenting »

Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


Where inspiring thoughts and treasured life lessons are learned and shared.

Places to Visit

From Hong Kong to Bali, from Universal Studios Singapore to farmstays and beaches in Perth, we share photos, info and tips with you!

Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids

How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


Where precious daily moments are captured and seen through the lens. Sharing with you tips, iphone apps, and ideas too.

Video: Hiking Up Mount Sumbing, Central Java

16 January 2020 | Posted in: Video, VLOG | No Comment

A quick glimpse of our recent hike to Mount Sumbing, earlier this month!



PS: Heavy fog and rain prevented us from hiking all the way to the summit. So grateful for the sudden clear blue sky though, a very unlikely phenomenon that welcomed us at Post 2.


Marriage: Kinda Like Our Rafting Experience

10 January 2020 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

I guess this is kinda an image of our marriage:

Goes through rough seas every now and then.

Struggling to always stay together while smiling at the storm.

With the support of friends who share our boat

While praying for Christ to always have mercy on us, lead us to where He wants, to always be ‘in our boat’ and be the One steering it till we reach the final destination.

PS: This rafting experience was btw AWESOME! We loved every moment of it! The man helping to navigate our boat was ‘Mas Dian’, and he’s really good (and funny!=)

This is operated by Bannyu Woong Adventure, and we stayed at The Pikas, Banjarnegara, Central Java.

Will blog about this more soon!

Why We Take Our Kids Mountain Climbing

9 January 2020 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment

‘Why do you still take your kids mountain climbing after a trip to a neat, clean Japan?’, some people asked.


Here are some of our thoughts:
>> Those who can experience Japan may not necessarily be ‘willing’ to experience the outdoors and mountain climbing.

So if the opportunity to go outdoors is there, it is something Wilson and I know we should not miss, because we (esp. our kids) can learn different lessons from different situations and experiences. And we sure will learn a LOT from nature and interacting with nature.
>> Struggles and challenges during our recent mountain trip to Mount Sumbing (Central Java) include:

– thunder storms
– fog and cold wind
– slippery tracks
– minimal convenience (damp and leaking tents, wet footwear, humble food, sleeping with pebbles underneath and uneven ground level, no proper toilets, etc.)

>> What’s precious and invaluable: Going through the above TOGETHER as a family and with like-minded friends, plus we had sessions where biblical perspectives were shared, so we could learn to relate all experiences with our faith.

>> Our kids get to see their parents go through the same challenges (including when we slipped and fell =), and we had plenty of opportunities to share and learn from each other, including from friends who helped and served others.

We get to learn more about ourselves, nature, others and God’s goodness and protection every step of the journey 🙏🏻


Simply grateful ♥️

These Moments: Snowing

29 December 2019 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

[‘These moments’: An attempt to capture moments within the week. No words. Simple. Special. Moments I wish to treasure and remember.]

Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong is Well and Will Preach at Christmas Gospel Rallies across 18 Cities

24 November 2019 | Posted in: Daily, Inspirational | No Comment

To those who heard about Rev. Stephen Tong being hospitalised prior to his gospel rally in Malaysia, I can reassure you that he is well and will be preaching the gospel across 18 different cities in December!

(Click this link for more info:

I admit, I am most encouraged and inspired to know that despite his unimaginable physical ‘discomfort’ (he had vertigo that day in Malaysia), he didn’t ‘pity’ himself.

Instead he went beyond his physical limitation and weakness.

After the hospital visit and a few hours of rest at the hotel, he chose to continue to go to the pulpit and preach the gospel to some 4000 people, for 1.5 hours with his eyes closed to overcome his vertigo.

(I mean, WHO would do that??)

Throughout his 60+ years of ministry, he consistently shows how his love for His Redeemer and His people is way more than his love for selfRev. Tong did his part and stayed faithful to his calling.

Being 80yo with physical limitations does not stop him from serving the Lord.

Throughout his 60+ years of ministry, he consistently shows how his love for His Redeemer and His people is way more than his love for self.

And, we all witnessed how God blessed and strengthened His servant who fought hard against his weak flesh.

Looking at what he did, I told myself: If I, a little over half his age, ever give up or take a step back, especially from ministries, due to any ‘discomfort or inconvenience’, I should feel ashamed, very ashamed of myself.


Let’s keep praying for him and for many more to be raised in this generation and the next.

And, may WE and many others catch on this fire and fighting spirit, too!

May God help us all 🙏🏻

Photo of Brie and Levi with Dr. Tong was taken on 23 November 2019

How We Take Our Couple Shots

20 November 2019 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

Since I was little, I love capturing moments to remember and treasure ‘later’. And over time, with better phones, taking photos is much easier and practical ☺️

Now I don’t know about other couples, but I personally prefer taking couple shots than a photo of just ‘me’.

So, when it’s just Wilson and I (no friends with us at the time), how then do we take our couple shots?

1. We-fie (easiest, but limited angle)

2. Ask a stranger for help (we rarely do this though)

3. Use a small tripod (which we btw didn’t bring to our recent SG trip 👀)

4. Place phone on ground, against my bag (Often used method! 😁)

And, … in this post I share FOUR photos, taken in Singapore recently, using 3 of the above methods, hehe.


Holiday is coming (or already happening if you are in Singapore!), take loads of photos and capture memories with your loved ones ya!! ♥️

Building Habits Starts from the Family

28 October 2019 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

Regardless of what the kids ‘naturally prefer’, positive habits can and should be encouraged.

Eg. Morning walks as a family, limited gadget use when together with the family (mealtimes, inside the car, etc.), helping out with house chores, etc.

Not all initiatives are always welcomed by the kids of course.

I mean, if we follow the kids’ preference, it would PROBABLY be:

– waking up at ANYTIME they want over the weekend
– eyes on gadgets ALL THE TIME
– lazying around and doing nothing much in front of the TV for hours
– refusing to help out with house chores (which btw are simple ones like: cook rice, wash dishes, throw out the trash, etc.)


I know some parents say, ‘My son watches TV for 3 hours and refuses to do his homework. I can’t make him do it.’

(And he’s 7yo. and the mother is 35yo!)

It can get mentally and emotionally drainingAt our home, we make it very clear:
we are the parents and we are accountable to God to teach our kids what we believe is right and necessary. Yes, even when the kids do NOT like the good habits, and even when we seem to be the ‘bad guys’ for not giving what they want.

We are not here to make you happyAnd here’s what I say to the kids every now and then:

‘We are not here to make you happy. You are in our family and we have this big responsibility to raise you as best as we can, and we pray hard that you will become the kinds of people God wants you to be when you grow up.

One day, we will stand before God and be accountable for the ways that we have raised you. And you will, too. You will be accountable to God for the choices you make. If we can learn and grow together, it makes things easier for everyone.’



Of course, in reality, parenting is hard!

Parenting is hard!The kids don’t always understand our decisions and choices. And it can get mentally and emotionally draining, especially when I am faced with bickering between siblings, attitudes, talk-backs and tantrums.

And so, I do remind myself:
They are the kids. I am the adult. And all this challenges are part and parcel of training and building habits. The journey is still long. Stay on track, one day at a time.

Building habits should start from us, from the family, from home ♥️

May God help us to be consistent, patient, loving and wise. Because it sure is not easy.

JIAYOOO to all parents!!

VLOG and Activity Idea: Enjoying Works of Art WITHOUT Leaving Jakarta!


Parents often wonder: WHERE oh WHERE should we go as a family over the weekend in Jakarta?

Here’s one place you can visit: Galeria Sophilia!

THREE (out of many) reasons why you should go and visit (bring along the kids!):

1. Connect with the world, broaden our horizon and understanding of the past (without even leaving the city!)
2. Exposure to works of art provides the foundation for creativity and critical thinking.

When we bring kids to museums/art galleries, we encourage curiosity about the world around them and help open their eyes to different ideas and perspectives that are relevant to their lives.

And this kind of exposure contributes to higher critical and creative thinking, which are important for them as adults later.
3. Connect as a family through conversations and sharing of experience.

Use art and the experience of going to the art gallery as a way to start conversations, open up, explore, and learn from each other.
Some conversation-starter ideas:

Ask questions like:

– which piece do you like the best and why?

– which piece YOU (the adult) like the best, and why

– what feelings do you get when you see this piece, etc.

– Does this painting remind you of something? (Then connect the landscape to a particular experience shared in the past to evoke discussions of memories)

– Why do you think plates were made so big and cooking utensils were made of bronze?

– How and why do colours on vases stay bright and beautiful over hundreds and thousands of years?

Galeria Sophilia is having 50% discount till 29 December 2019, and is located in Kemayoran (plenty of parking space, too)

It’s open from 10am – 4pm, every Saturday and Sunday.

And, they have guides speaking in Indonesian, Mandarin and English! (Just ask any of the presenters in black for help)

Come on over!!

Photos: No, I’m not an art expert, but I was privileged enough to be able to learn more about some art pieces and had the opportunity to share them with kids during their school visits and some guests at the recent World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) event in Jakarta.


🎥 VLOG (in Bahasa Indonesia):

Galeria Sophilia: Menikmati Seni TANPA ke Luar Negri

Enjoy the video!

Dangling a Carrot to Change Behaviour

24 August 2021 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment
Dangling a Carrot to Change Behaviour

“If you clean up your room, I’ll give you $2.”“If you don’t fight with your siblings for the whole week, everyone gets an ice cream each on Sunday!”“Each time you get 90 and above in …

Learning from experience

29 September 2007 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

Lots of people used to tell me how ‘easy’ a kid Anya is. How she’s relatively obedient, eats whatever meals given to her without much fuss, not physically agressive towards others, can fall asleep easily …

Our Children’s Growing Up Years are HERE Today

2 April 2015 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment

Have you ever watched those ‘growing up’ video clips of a couple, played on their wedding day?

You know what?
I always, ALWAYS, get all teary-eyed whenever I watch such videos.
It’s not quite because I feel emo …

Together for SIX years

7 July 2007 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

And that’s how long Wilson and I have been married for. As of today *smile*
I still remember the day when quite a few of our friends (mostly older and married couples) got together before our …

Marriage Tips and Thoughts : Try something new

19 November 2008 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | 2 Comments
Marriage Tips and Thoughts : Try something new

I recently shared how, as parents, we may tend to forget about our ‘other similarly important roles’, ie. as a spouse. As someone’s wife. Someone’s husband.
I don’t know about you, but personally I often find …

Trust and Communication

21 January 2020 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships, Parenting | No Comment

In marriage (and all relationships, including parent-child relationships), TRUST is needed.
When trust is absent, all attempts to build communication and relation most likely will fail.
Build that trust over time.
And beware, it takes years to build …

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