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[Anya at 8 weeks and Vai at 11 weeks]
Someone once told me that my two kids are blessed with ‘stronger body immune system’, because they were delivered naturally and that they were exclusively breastfed for the first 5.5 months.
[Anya was breastfed till she was 13.5months, and Vai was breastfed till he was 22 months]
Now, I have no idea if it really is true … you know, whether a child who’s delivered naturally has ‘better’ body immune system.
All I know for sure is that if a Mom is able to breastfeed a baby, then she really should give it a go as best as she could because breastfeeding really helps in building a stronger immune system.
It’s a natural way of protecting our own kids from young.
[Found this cool huge ‘tube’, but Vai wasn’t that excited about it apparently)
The thing is, as kids grow, they are naturally more mobile and are exposed to all sorts of germs and bacteria. As they play with other kids who’re down with cough or runny nose, the chance of them catching the bugs themselves are higher too.
Having said that (and as much as I’d like to protect my kids from falling sick), I’d say I most likely won’t stop my kids from mingling with other kids who may not feel too well though.
[Vai – sitting at the back, far left – with his church friends]
I mean, I won’t expose them to bugs on purpose (of course!), but if for example, we’re going out together with friends and their kids, and say, some of the kids are down with blocked / runny nose, then of course I won’t stop my kids from playing with them as well.
[I’m talking about general situations where kids would play ‘normally’, and NOT touching each others’ runny noses and putting their fingers into their mouth ya … *smile*]
As kids grow, ESPECIALLY when they’ve started school, I think exposure to such situations (ie. friends who’re not well) is simply inevitable.
And that’s where I think we parents need to somehow find different ways to help boost our kids’ natural defences.
[Trying out some ‘self-defence’ moves, heh]
After doing a bit of reading on the net (and based on what I’d do myself for my two kids), I thought of sharing with you these FIVE tips that will help in boosting our kids’ immune system.
1. Encourage our kids to be physically active
I read that when a child is physically active, such exercises can increase the production of bacteria-fighting cells and help immune cells circulate through the body faster!
Playing outdoors, participating in sports, going for walks and activities like bike riding are all fun ways for kids to get the exercise they need to boost their immune systems.
2. Get enough rest and sleep
Our kids need to rest (though I totally know how a lot of them sure don’t seem to want to rest or nap!)
Preschoolers, like Anya, should theoretically get between 11 and 13 hours of sleep each day.
And keeping a regular bedtime routine sure would help our kids get a good night’s rest.
3. Let them have a balanced diet
Fresh fruits and vegetables help a lot. Getting a regular dose of vitamin C and milk intake helps too.
Click HERE to read more.
[Err … Vai’s messy plate filled with plain rice, char kway teow, one boiled egg, baked beans and green beans. And oh, and a glass of guava juice]
4. Reduce the amount of stress
I guess this is more applicable to kids in Singapore (a few other countries in Asia) where academic expectations can be rather pressurising.
Experts say that prolonged stress in kids can suppress their immune systems, but plenty of rest, exercise and most importantly tender loving care from their loved ones will do just the opposite.
5. Encourage good habits, like washing their hands before and after mealtime
I know of many parents who’re very particular when it comes to their kids’ general cleanliness. They’d apply wet wipes and sanitising gels onto their kids’ hands countless times throughout the day.
While I think it’s completely fine for parents to implement what they think works best for their family, I admit I’m not quite like that (I wrote a little post on this four years ago, click HERE to read it).
I do keep my kids’ general cleanliness (and I agree with point no. 5 here), but I know both Wilson and I are not THAT ‘strict’.
(read: we believe that when our kids are kept ‘super extra clean’ and are hardly ever exposed to anything ‘dirty’, they’ll get ’sick’ easier, hehe. ANYWAY, I should probably write another post on that topic)
I do realise though that we so often take for granted and forget to thank God for our (and our kids’) good health. We somehow have this natural tendency to treasure our health when we’ve fallen sick.
And so I hope this post will remind everyone (including MYSELF) that while we do our part in boosting our family’s health and body immune system, we should also pray for them and be thankful always for God’s ever-faithful care.
Because really, HE knows what’s best for us. And for our little ones.