Parenting »

Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


Where inspiring thoughts and treasured life lessons are learned and shared.

Places to Visit

From Hong Kong to Bali, from Universal Studios Singapore to farmstays and beaches in Perth, we share photos, info and tips with you!

Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids

How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


Where precious daily moments are captured and seen through the lens. Sharing with you tips, iphone apps, and ideas too.

Material Things Do Not Equal to LOVE

2 March 2020 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment

A mom of 3 shared:

My teenage son said that he doesn’t need us in his life. He is angry with us. What he said hurt my feelings.

I know I have been busy with his 2 younger siblings and spent little time with the eldest over last few years. I don’t understand why he is not happy. We bought all that he wants. We got him iPhone X!

Can material things replace a child’s longing for parents’ time, attention and affection?

Unfortunately, no.

Children grow upWhen they are little, we can still hear them say:

‘Mommy, come and play cooking with me!’

‘Daddy, can you play hide and seek with me?’

‘Mommy, can you read a book with me?’

But over time, such requests (often heard as ‘annoying nagging voices’ by parents) are no longer there for us to fulfil.

Children grow up.

And they choose to get busy with friends, school and gadgets.

Giving material things, though in itself is not always wrong, does not equal to ‘love’.

And the reality is, this is a ‘lie’ many parents often believe.

ie. Child will feel loved when they are given gifts and gadgets, taken to fancy holidays and restaurants.

Moms and dads,

Let’s make the initiatives and create opportunities to relate, communicate and spend time with them, each one of them?

While we still can.

Giving material things, though in itself is not always wrong, does not equal to ‘love’As for me, … making each of my kids feel loved is a continual struggle with frequent self-reflection and self-reminders.

Every now and then, feelings of failure and helplessness come and go.

It’s not easy.

(This is one reason why God’s grace is so much needed. I sure can’t do it with own strength and wisdom)

These Moments: 80yo Grandpa

1 March 2020 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

[‘These moments’: An attempt to capture moments within the week. No words. Simple. Special. Moments I wish to treasure and remember.]

My First Podcast ‘Family Talks with Leonny’!!

11 February 2020 | Posted in: XnZ Podcast | No Comment

I posted a question on my Facebook less than 2 weeks ago about whether or not you listen to podcasts (Thanks everyone who responded and shared inputs!!)

And, … after some thoughts, it is decided: Yes, I’ll start!!

So here’s my first ever podcast! *YAY*


I’ve chosen ‘Family Talks with Leonny’ as its name, because family, marriage and parenting thoughts have always been close in my heart.

And I really hope and pray many others can be inspired to learn and be better in loving their families, spouses, children, and others.

Something that I personally will struggle to do daily, too.

Anyway, this first podcast is in Indonesian!
(A brand new one next week will be in English! =)

And oh, the website is (if you wish to bookmark it =):

I hope it’s a blessing to everyone who listens!

Please click, share, subscribe, download, anything! =D

PS: I’m still figuring out how to get my podcast on iTunes, etc. Please do bear with me as I improve the page …

Chinese New Year: Am I Teaching My Kids to Love Money?

29 January 2020 | Posted in: Daily, Parenting | No Comment

Parent to child:

“Quick, go and say gongxi gongxi to __(fill in name)___. You want hongbao or not?!”

‘Eh, behave please. You want people to give you hongbao or not?!’

Every Chinese New Year, have we unconsciously encouraged our children to love money?

(read: Get money by doing something – smile, do the hand gesture and say gongxi gongxi to someone)

Food for thought.

Corona Virus. Kobe Bryant.

27 January 2020 | Posted in: Inspirational | No Comment

Corona Virus affects the world.

Sudden passing of Kobe, his 13yo daughter plus 7 others.

Life is precious, yet incredibly fragile.

Leaving no room for anyone to brag about being ‘in total control’ of life?

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
– Psalm 90:12

Happy Chinese New Year 2020

25 January 2020 | Posted in: Daily, Inspirational | No Comment

Chinese New Year.

A wonderful time to get together with friends and families, especially with those whom we hardly get to meet.


And, other than the gathering and eating, it’s that time of the year when everyone wishes everyone else more luck, more wealth, more prosperity.

Basically, it’s when people wish for more money. Both for themselves and for other people.

Just a thought.

Prosperity is commonly measured in terms of material wealth. And many often wish for such blessings.


Say if we are not ‘materially’ in abundance, especially ‘when compared’ with others, do we therefore see ourselves as not blessed?

How we measure / see ourselves depends on our own beliefs and understanding of what blessings are, no?


Here are quick snapshots of our Chinese New Year day one and two ☺️

As always, CNY gatherings with family and friends are awesomely wonderful.

This, is one blessing I am really thankful for.

How can I keep asking for more?

(Perhaps, we should wish for more spirit of giving and serving others with what we have already been given every new year?)

Trust and Communication

21 January 2020 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships, Parenting | No Comment

In marriage (and all relationships, including parent-child relationships), TRUST is needed.

When trust is absent, all attempts to build communication and relation most likely will fail.

Build that trust over time.

And beware, it takes years to build trust in relationships, and only takes a second to break it to pieces.

Food for thought.

Inspired by a conversation with Rev. Sutjipto Subeno long time ago

Japan: Snow at Gala Yuzawa!

17 January 2020 | Posted in: Places to Visit | No Comment


I have so much to write about our recent trip to Japan!

But alas, amidst my work, housework, kids and stuff, I have yet to find time to write, edit our MANY photos and videos.

Oh well. Let me start by posting this one!

This was the time we turned into kids almost instantly! Haha.


Our family’s first ever encounter with pouring snow and super thick snow at Gala Yuzawa!

Loved it!



Here’s more info and tips for you:

– Gala Yuzawa is just 75 mins from Tokyo by Shinkansen (we bought 7-day JR Pass, and since we traveled to Kyoto and Osaka as well, buying our JR Pass was really worth it!)


– We wanted to reach Gala Yuzawa by around 11am-12pm, but there’s a limited number of trains that go directly to Gala Yuzawa from Tokyo Station (like, the next available direct train is at 12pm something, and that’s too late for us)

So, this was what we did:

– Went to ECHIGO YUZAWA from Tokyo Station

– Took a taxi from Echigo Yuzawa to Gala Yuzawa (cost us 1050 yen per taxi – about 5 to 7 mins drive)



We basically only wanted to play with snow (though I hope the NEXT time we come again, we can ski or snowboard!), so we bought the ‘Gondola one day pass’.

(Gondola = Cable Car)

This Gondola one-day pass allows us to go up to the ‘Rest House (Cheers)’, and that’s where they have food stalls, and people can start skiing/snowboarding, etc.

(Here’s more info on the area:


As for us, we are just EXCITED to see thick, fresh snow. As we came out of the ‘rest house’, on the left, there’s a secluded area and we just played with snow there!!

Plus, it happened to be snowing when we’re there!



(Btw, the fresh snow was SO soft, it was impossible to make proper snowballs, let alone a snowman. It’s like lifting a handful of soft sands)


Anyway, a good 2 hours was nice for us.

We left Gala Yuzawa by Shinkansen (no more taxi rides needed!), and back to Tokyo station again.

Would LOVE to return!

On Picking Beautiful Flowers

2 May 2017 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment


‘Oh look at these flowers! Aren’t they beautiful?’
‘Awww … the colours looks so bright and nice!’

When we see beauty, what do we do?
If we’re talking about flowers, many people somehow have the tendency to … …

Encouraging Children in Sports (and Vai’s Tennis Competition)

14 April 2015 | Posted in: Daily, Inspirational, Parenting | 3 Comments

Last weekend, our 8yo Vai had the chance to compete in a tennis competition, joining the category of ‘Under 10’.
Something that we’re all excited about.
It was all held outdoors.
And the weather was very, VERY warm.

At …

Parenting : 3 Basic Principles of Mannerism We Instill in Children

1 September 2014 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | 4 Comments
Parenting : 3 Basic Principles of Mannerism We Instill in Children

The other day, I was listening to an audio sermon on Chinese Philosophy (by Rev. DR. Stephen Tong), and this statement caught my attention:
The younger generation today tend to IGNORE basic mannerism.
Well, I have to …

Seminar: Secrets of Christian Courtship and Marriage

7 March 2019 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Today all five of us attended a full-day seminar on ‘courtship and marriage’ (Rahasia Pacaran & Pernikahan Kristen).

Here are a few points that I wish to share with you:
💑 It’s not about finding the right …

Married. 19 Years.

7 July 2020 | Posted in: Daily, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Days spent together have been full of ups and downs.
And for us both to stay together and feel blessed over the years, it is only by God’s grace.

Look forward to more adventures together!

Juggling my many roles

30 September 2005 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Last night someone asked about how my typical day goes. And come to think of it, it’s kind of hard to say, because it hardly is the same everyday. I mean, we may be out …

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