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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


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Video: Kids and Their New Sports’ Progress

28 January 2010 | Posted in: Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids, Daily, Video | 7 Comments

Just recently I shared about how we started the year with both kids picking up new sports.

Anya’s learning how to rollerblade.

Vai’s learning how to ride a two-wheeled scooter.

It’s been a great learning journey full of falls and tumbles, as well as determination and persistence.

And to share how it’s been for them, I’ve uploaded FOUR video clips!

Just click on the link (or the photos!) to view them on youtube.

First Video : Day ONE of Anya learning how to rollerblade (pictured above)

Second VideoDay TEN of Anya and Vai learning how to rollerblade and ride a scooter


Since Vai has learned how to balance himself on a two-wheeled scooter, we thought of letting him try out his bike with the extra two wheels on the sides REMOVED.

And Vai tried it out last Sunday (24 January) for the very first time.

Here’s how it went.

Third Video : Day ONE of Vai learning how to ride his two-wheeled bike

Fourth Video
: Day TWO of Vai learning how to ride his two-wheeled bike

And below is a shot of our 3-year-old guy on his third day of riding his bike.

We’ve all seen photos of a parent holding onto his child’s bike, helping him learn how to balance on two wheels.

And you know, sometimes I find it a little hard to believe that we’re ALREADY at that ‘phase’ too!

Bending down, encouraging the kid, pushing the bike forward, seeing him fall, repeating the whole process, seeing him move forward by himself, feeling the joy of seeing the kid make some positive progress.

And for us parents, once this ‘phase’ is over, it’s over (I mean, once the kid acquires the skills, he knows it ‘for life’, and we won’t have the chance to teach them such skills anymore).

And so I’m just enjoying the phase.

While I still can.

Shopping for Baby Feeding products @ 20% discount off

26 January 2010 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

First of all, have you entered the Giveaway Contest?

It’ll end this Friday, 29 January, so do hurry and leave a comment if you haven’t already done so yeah …


Have you browsed through Babe75’s feeding products?

One product that immediately caught my eyes when I first went to the online shop was the all-colourful Weego Glass Bottles.

Because so far I didn’t think glass bottles are safe for kids.

I still remember seeing a mom feeding her baby with a plain glass bottle some few years ago, and how she accidentally DROPPED it. The bottle shattered into tiny glass pieces and I remember thinking why would anyone feed her baby using a glass bottle in the first place anyway.

My impression changed when I actually held this Weego Glass bottle in my hand, because I could see how its colourful silicone sleeve protects the bottle from breaking, or from bumping into other things when placed in our bag.

And, apparently … properly manufactured glass baby bottles can be safer (from chemicals) compared to plastic ones (read more on Weego glass bottles HERE)

Anyway, go ahead and take a look. You might find one or two, or more other items that you’ll find useful at Baby75’s shop.

Right now they’re offering some 20% OFF its FEEDING products if you make a purchase (a min. of two feeding items) by this Sunday, 31 January.

Specially for Our Everyday Things readers.

Simply quote “B75OET1″ at checkout to enjoy the discounts!

New Year. New Sports. New Challenges.

This year began with our kids picking up new ‘sports’.

Anya, who’s been asking for a pair of rollerblades since last year, received a pair from us on January 2nd.

Btw, we didn’t immediately buy them for her when she asked for them sometime in July or August last year. We promised that she’d get a pair ‘next year’, and she eagerly waited for the day to come (read: a little ‘waiting before receiving’ does make one feel more appreciative towards the thing when she finally receives it).

Now, as for Vai, well … he’s a little too young for rollerblading (we’re told that at 3 years of age, the bones are still rather ‘soft’ and it’s better for Vai to wait for another year or so before he picks up rollerblading)

And so we decided to get a two-wheeled scooter for him instead.

Basically we’d like to encourage our kids to be physically active and to learn a sense of balance.

We believe the process of learning the skill itself will teach these little ones how to persistently pursue something though the journey is difficult and painful.

It sure is also a good time to practise what we’ve been sharing with the kids as well, ie. the philosophy of ‘When you run and fall, just get up and run again …’

[read: when you try something and fail, just get up and try it again … a principle which practically applies in all aspects of life, I think]

Yup. Since January 2nd till today, I’ve seen countless falls and tumbles. We heard quite a bit of ‘OUCH!’ too.

Anya falls SO many times onto her buttocks that she (more than once) suggested getting a ‘buttock protector’, haha.

In the first 2 days of having the scooter, Vai told me that I could give the scooter to someone else because he didn’t want it (ie. it’s too difficult for him to balance on two wheels without falling)

AND, on day 3, after he gave his second go on the scooter, he lost his balance, the handle tilted sideways and hit him straight on his nose and cheek side.

Blood kept on streaming down from his nose and onto his white shirt.

Wilson wasn’t around at the time, and upon seeing the most amount of blood I’ve ever seen on my own kids, I told myself I must be calm, and to gently pick up the kid, head towards the basin and attend to his needs without giving the ‘See! You need to be careful!’ lecture.

(No bruises nor scratches on his face, amazingly. Thank God.)

The next day, he went on the scooter again like nothing has happened. We happily encouraged him too and no, we chose to not discourage him with any ‘Be careful or you’ll fall on your face again like you did yesterday!’ remarks.

And now, it’s been three weeks since Anya had her rollerblades and Vai had his scooter.

Anya keeps on getting up and going again after each tumble.

Vai has learned how to balance and step on the brake (He sure is not giving his scooter away now, hehe)

Yes they still have a LONG way to go.


They sure are reaping the fruit of their labour slowly yet happily!

Sunday’s Food for Thought: Living in Abundance is …

24 January 2010 | Posted in: Inspirational | No Comment

… when we live and care not only for ourselves, but also for others

… when our life ethics can positively influence others, not just today, but also through the years

… when we can explore and develop not just one part of our life, but as many aspects of life as possible, finding and clinging onto things that have eternal values

So how have we run our lives thus far?

If we still have today, then it’s one day that we must be accountable for.

Let’s learn to change it into an abundant one.

[inspired by today’s sermon by Rev. Stephen Tong]

Hello Canon Ixus 970IS!

23 January 2010 | Posted in: Giveaways, Awards & Reviews, Photography | 6 Comments


I (finally) have a new pocket camera to replace my old (half-broken) Canon Ixus 850IS (that has traveled almost everywhere with me in the past 3 years!)

And, the super exciting thing about all this is … IT’S A PRIZE!


[Prize Collection at Singapore Science Centre’s office]

Just last week I got a call from Singapore Science Centre and the man on the line said to me,

‘Miss Leonny, congratulations! You’ve won last year’s Science Month’s Photo Contest and you can come down anytime to collect your prize, a new Canon Ixus 970IS!’

At first I was like, ‘Huh?’

Then in the next three seconds or so my brain cells began to connect and I was like, ‘WOOHOO! OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU!’

It was totally NOT expected.

I’ve frankly even forgotten all about it since I submitted the photo way in SEPTEMBER last year, after we watched Dr Bunhead’s show at the event!

Really. I’ve hoped to save up and get a new camera some time in the future to replace my current one … but it’s never been realised.

And so to have won a pocket camera (another Canon Ixus too!) … I’m just sooo over the moon!

[Anya immediately asked if she could ‘inherit’ my old Canon Ixus, hehe. Told her I’d still keep it but she – and Vai – can always borrow and share it, anytime]

Anyway, thanks Singapore Science Centre for the ‘timely prize’! Thanks everyone who’s left comments on my Facebook status last week too. Ah, I can’t thank God enough for giving me so much more than I’ve ever imagined!

And oh, before I forget, here’s the winning entry:

[Took this shot while sitting down with the kids together with the rest of the audience]

The kids and I went to collect the camera that very same day (straight after picking them up from school), and we ended up checking out Science Centre afterwards too (Thanks to the friendly counter staff who unexpectedly offered her own complimentary tickets to us!)

Here are some photos taken that late afternoon:

The above was taken using my old Canon Ixus just before we entered Science Centre. As always, ‘blurred effects’ on all sides, hehe.

Anya insisted on testing out the new camera, so here it is, the above was taken using Canon Ixus 970IS. Finally, I can get one clear and sharp shot from my pocket camera!

And here’s a shot of us before we went into Mc Donald’s for our late afternoon snacks.

[The kids wanted to see the huge dinosaur display but they both clung onto my legs very tightly when I asked them to stand closer to the display, hehe]

Anyway, it was a long day out for the three of us. And I got quite an exercise too when I had to walk and carry 18-kg Vai who slept on the bus ride home.

Still, it was all worth it *smile*

Giveaway: Lil Rinser and Tilty Cup from Babe75

22 January 2010 | Posted in: Giveaways, Awards & Reviews | 28 Comments

YES, it’s only January and there are goodies to give away already!

Thanks to Baby75, an online shop selling baby products for trendy parents, TWO lil rinsers and THREE Tilty Cups are now up for grabs!

Here, … let me share a little bit more about what these two products are.


Anya and Vai have never had problems with bath time since they’re babies. They’d have water and baby shampoo on their faces and everywhere, and they’re fine.

But I know not all kids are like that.

I remember how my little niece used to scream and cry at the thought of having a shower! May be she simply hated getting water and shampoo all over her head, ears, eyes and face. Well, whatever it is, if you have kids like that, I’m sure it’s a deafening battle all moms wish to NOT face every single day!

And in such situations, Lil Rinser is THE thing that’ll help your kids get through shower time without any complaints, cries or screams.

I tested it on my kids and yup, it kept water away from their faces. And to keep it well in place, I (or the kid) simply held on to the handle.

Retail Price: S$28.50

TWO Lil Rinsers to give away!

To read more about Lil Rinser on Babe75, click HERE.


We’ve all seen sippy cups, but let me tell you, this one is different.

There’s an angled wedge inside this Tilty Cup, which allows liquid to flow more freely. And because it’s angled in such a way, the child doesn’t need to tilt the cup so much, making it easier to drink without spilling!

AND, if you’re familiar with what makes baby products ‘safe’, then I tell you, Tilty cups are DYE Free, BPA Free, PVC Free, Pthalate Free, pure polypropylene, and is dishwasher safe!

How’s that?

Retail Price: S$13.90

THREE Tilty Cups to give away!

You can read a little more about Tilty Cup from this Babe75 link.


So now, this is what you need to do to enter the Giveaway Contest:

1. Visit Babe75‘s website, and browse through its FEEDING products.

2. Find the answers to these two simple questions:

a) Can the ‘Weego glass bottle and sleeve’ be sterilised, microwaved and put in the dishwasher?

b) How fast can ‘iiamo Go Self Heating Bottle’ heat milk / water to 37 degrees?

3) Write your answers in the comment section of THIS blog post.

4) Lastly, don’t forget to let us know your child’s gender and age.

That’s it!



1) Giveaway contest is open to those residing in Singapore

2) Up to a max. of 3 entries per family is allowed, as long as you use different and valid email addresses for each comment’s left

3) If you’re not a parent and wish to win the prize for someone else (who lives in Singapore), you’re most welcome! Just don’t forget to enter the child’s gender and age in the comment section too!

4) Giveaway contest ends next Friday, 29 January 2010 at 11.59pm (Singapore time) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Winners will be randomly chosen next weekend, and the five lucky winners will be contacted via emails. Prizes will then be snail-mailed to them.

Well, that’s about it really.

Simple, yes?

So go ahead and leave your entries in the comment section!

All the best, everyone!

PS: Between 24 – 31 January, enjoy some 20% OFF Babe75’s feeding products (min. purchase of 2 items). Time to shop for your loved ones!

Simply quote “B75OET1” at checkout to enjoy the discounts!

When Vai applied for a job …

21 January 2010 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | 4 Comments

… to be the store’s next ‘interactive mannequin’?

[as captured by Daddy on his Iphone]

TV-Watching Tips and “Handy Manny” Season 3

20 January 2010 | Posted in: Advertorial, Parenting | No Comment

When it comes to TV-watching, at our home we choose to be selective of the kind of programs they get to watch, for how long each day, etc.

We choose programs with positive characters. Programs that are entertaining and educational, that can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures, or gain exposure to ideas they may never encounter in their own community.

I guess we just want to be careful with what they see on TV (and DVDs) and how much they’re exposed to it.

I recently came across some basic tips on TV-watching for young children on, and I’d like to share its 6 tips on how to use TV as a learning tool with you today.

Here’s my little summary:

Limit the amount of TV your child watches

If your child is under age 2, it’s best to keep TV-watching to a bare minimum.

You should keep the TV out of your child’s bedroom and turned off during meal times.

Watch programs, not television

Rather than sitting down to watch whatever happens to be on, carefully select the program (or DVD) your child’s going to watch, and turn it off when that program is over.

– Choose calm, quiet programs

Slower-paced viewing gives your child time to think about what he’s watching and absorb the information. Lots of action and quickly changing images will only confuse him or make his eyes glaze over.

Some research suggests that children who watch violence on TV are more likely to display aggressive behaviour. Stay away from scary shows, too. Instead, choose simple programs that emphasise interactivity. The best shows are those that inspire your child to makes sounds, say words, sing, and dance.

– Watch with them

Just being there says to your child, “What you do is important to me.”

Many of us have moments when we resort to using TV as a babysitter, but when you leave your child alone with the TV for a long time, you send a signal that you don’t care what he watches. If you can, bring a basket of laundry to sort or some other task into the room so you can work and watch. Then it becomes an activity the two of you can enjoy together.

– Help your child watch with a critical eye

Explain what’s going on in the show, and encourage your child to ask questions and relate what’s happening in the show to his own life.

– Extend the show’s content with activities or books

If you and your child have just finished a program that introduces a number, talk about it later and find other examples to show him. When you’re setting the table, for example, you might say, “Hey, today’s number was three, and there are three places to set!” Then read and discuss a book that explores numbers concepts.

[Thanks Playhouse Disney for the goodies! Vai LOVES this Handy Manny towel!]

One program I happened to recently watch and review is Handy Manny.

We were invited to watch the premiere of ‘Handy Manny Motorcycle Adventure!’ at Nuffnang’s office the other day, and the kids were SO excited.

You see, we’re familiar with the ‘Handy Manny’ show, the kids have played Handy Manny’s games online, but they have never watched the show in full so far.

As we watched it (together with other blogger moms and kids), the kids and I talked about what we saw.

Anya and Vai asked questions too when they saw certain scenes that they didn’t quite understand. They went ‘OH NO!’ when Handy Manny and his tools faced an obstacle, and they clapped when they managed to overcome their problems.


It was my first time watching the show and I personally think it’s a good program filled with positive messages and values, like how important it is to offer help, to care for a friend, to work together as a team, and to not give up when faced with problems.

The dialogues are not too fast as well, allowing little ones to follow every happening in the show.

Here’s a short summary of ‘Handy Manny Motorcycle Adventure’:

Manny and the tools are headed to Manny’s family reunion on his motorcycle, when Pat, Squeeze and Flicker wind up separated from them! Seems like Pat has gone in search of his own family members and now finds himself in the back of a truck headed for a large hardware store outside of town.

Many races to catch up with the big truck, but encounters a number of obstacles along the way before finally reaching his trusty hammer, pliers and flashlight. With everyone reunited, they continue on to Manny’s family reunion where the tools meet Manny’s family and Pat realizes that he has been in the midst of his own special family all along!

And here’s a sneak peak of the scenes:


The premier show of “Handy Manny Motorcycle Adventure!’ will start this Friday, 22 January 2010 at 10am on Playhouse Disney channel, Starhub!

And the first episode of Handy Manny’s season 3 will start on Friday, 29 January 2010 at 10am!

Milestone : Vai’s First Tennis Competition (Teaching Kids Sportsmanship)

29 September 2013 | Posted in: Parenting | 2 Comments

Vai is 7 years and 2 months old right now, and last weekend he had a ‘real’ tennis competition.
A big milestone for him, and for us.
I called it a ‘real’ competition, because it’s not about playing …

Parents, What Movies Do Our Kids Watch?

15 February 2016 | Posted in: Parenting | 2 Comments
Parents, What Movies Do Our Kids Watch?

“Oh, we cover his eyes during scary scenes”
– Mother of 5yo boy, who went to the 9pm show of ‘The Revenant’ with her husband and 5yo child. The Revenant is R-rated.
“I love James Bond movies, …

Parenting: Helping Kids Become Thoughtful People

20 March 2010 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | 5 Comments

We all know how important and encouraging it is to utter positive words towards others.
Especially towards little ones.
Now the question is, HOW have we been uttering our ‘words of encouragement’?
Like for example, when a two-year-old …

Marriage : staying together, staying happy (Part II)

6 September 2008 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | 3 Comments

We all know when it comes to marriage and keeping the relationship going for a long time, being ‘in love’ alone is not enough.
Because as much as two people love each other, they’re two individuals …

Happy Father’s Day 2014!

15 June 2014 | Posted in: Daily, Marriage & Relationships, Parenting | No Comment

To someone who had no idea how he’d act and what he’d do and say if he was to be a Daddy one day :
When we got married, I had no idea how we’d be …

Nurturing Marriage: Pray and BUILD IT

9 January 2018 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Every marriage is potentially fragile.
‘Pray to God for providence, help and mercy on your marriage!‘, would be the common advice given by people of the faith.
I absolutely agree with the advice.
It is something that we …

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