[That was our very first look at Anya, our firstborn who was still 5cm long in August 2003]
I was spring cleaning our home the other day and came across a box full of keepsakes. Stuff I kept when I was pregnant with both Anya and Vai.
Their ultra-sound photos, their tiny hospital ID plastic bracelets, … even my hospital bills!
Now you see, I’m more of a ‘keeper’, rather than a ‘thrower’.
Although I know these things take up space and should probably be thrown out, I find it very hard to get rid of them.
I mean, they carry sentimental values with them.
[Anya’s tiny hospital ID bracelet]
But here’s the reality.
Our Singapore home is not big at all. And our storeroom is even smaller. YET, it is packed with too many things.
Toys. Tools. Old clothes. Junks. All sorts of stuff.
And so in the end (after looking through them again for a long time), I made the decision to throw away these keepsakes, but only AFTER I took photos of every single one of them (well, … except for the bills!)
Yes. They’re all now in a big rubbish bag.
Errr … but THAT rubbish bag is still in my bedroom.
I’m such a bad thrower.
Btw, do you still keep these stuff? Or do you throw them away?
Or, do you keep certain things and throw away certain others?