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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


Where inspiring thoughts and treasured life lessons are learned and shared.

Places to Visit

From Hong Kong to Bali, from Universal Studios Singapore to farmstays and beaches in Perth, we share photos, info and tips with you!

Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids

How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


Where precious daily moments are captured and seen through the lens. Sharing with you tips, iphone apps, and ideas too.

Long Weekend Family Activity Ideas

If you’re in Singapore, we’ll have ANOTHER long weekend! *YAY*

[It’s Singapore’s General Election tomorrow, and I think most companies allow a day off on Monday. Well, at least I know for sure that it’s a ‘No-School Day’ for all school-going kids this coming Monday! =)

Anyway, I’m just wondering … what will YOU be doing this weekend?

Some – like us – may still be thinking of activity ideas for their families, and so I thought it’d be nice if we can get some ideas from you too!

Any plans for the long weekend? Ideas on places to visit, may be?

[No, I obviously didn’t sit on the ‘moving chairs’, but the kids, my Dad and Wilson did, and Anya loved Cineblast’s ‘Extreme Log Ride’ best! =)]

Anyway, just to share with you, … some two weekends ago, my parents were in town for a few days and we took them to Sentosa via the Boardwalk.

We checked out the 4D Magix show, Cineblast, Desperado and Songs of the Sea!

[‘Songs of the Sea’ – They now have an extra show at 9.40pm every Saturday!]

I shared more photos, how our trip was like, and what the attractions were like on my Facebook.

Click HERE to visit my Facebook photo album!

Hope you have a GREAT weekend, everyone!

Loving that Round Red Bench

5 May 2011 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | 4 Comments

Yes, it’s the Red Bench again. One of those round red benches just outside Vivo City, where you’re about to cross over to Sentosa Boardwalk!

Took this shot at about 3pm though, so it was super glary!

Both kids didn’t manage to open their eyes hehe.

But I’m loving this shot!

[I stood on the bench and bent over to take this shot – yep, some people stared at us! What’s that pregnant woman doing, they probably thought =)]

Pregnancy : Weight Gain – Too little or Too much?

3 May 2011 | Posted in: Food & Health, Pregnancy & Babyhood | 26 Comments

I’ve been wondering about this topic, and I thought I should just blog about it and hope to hear stories from fellow moms (ie. How it was for you, etc)

Well. It’s about pregnancy weight gain.

Before I share a little more on my third pregnancy’s situation, here’s how the first two went:

1st Pregnancy – Anya

Baby was born when I was 38 weeks pregnant.

Total weight gain : 12.5 kg

Baby’s weight : 3.97 kg

– Normal delivery, no epidural
– Pain relief : Injection into thigh – Pethidine, and Entonox – ‘Laughing gas’
– Did not experience any weight loss during pregnancy

2nd Pregnancy – Vai

Baby was born when I was 37.5 weeks pregnant.

Total weight gain : 8 kg

Baby’s weight : 3.42 kg

– Normal delivery, no epidural
– Pain relief : Entonox – ‘Laughing gas’
– Experience slooowwww weight gain during pregnancy, but no weight loss

Now you see, some people tell me how we generally gain ‘less’ weight when we’re pregnant the 2nd or 3rd time round, because we’ll be physically more tired from looking after the elder kid(s).

I experienced that when I was pregnant with Vai. I gained less in total, compared to when I was pregnant with Anya.

The thing is, with this 3rd pregnancy, I’m experiencing ‘weight loss’. Something which I did not experience in my first two pregnancies.

Three days ago, when I had my usual check-up, I found out that I lost about 2kg over 2 weeks (ie. Between week 33 and week 35). I lost about 1kg too when I was about 29 weeks pregnant.

From the scan, baby looks to have gained weight steadily and is about 2.5kg now. But, all in all, I’ve only gained a total of 6.5kg so far.

[Click HERE to read Baby no. 3’s week-by-week pregnancy Journal]

I asked the Doc if this means the baby is absorbing MY stock of vitamins, iron and etc. He nodded. But then, as to the question of : ‘how much’ was taken away and whether I was ‘unhealthily’ affected by this … no one could really tell.

(Anyway, I’ll continue with my daily multi-vitamin intake etc, for sure).

Now I’m just wondering … how was YOUR pregnancy like?

At which week was the baby born? Total weight gain? Baby’s weight at birth? Any weight loss during pregnancy? Any advice given by your Ob/Gyn regarding your condition?

I really hope many of you can share your stories, so I can learn from you and your experiences too.

Thanks, everyone!

Sunday’s Food for Thought : ‘God Hath Not Promised Skies Always Blue’

1 May 2011 | Posted in: Inspirational | No Comment

These days, it is somehow more common to hear about :

… ‘how to receive blessings from above’, THAN ‘how to become a blessing to others’

… ‘how God will always bless us with material wealth and health’, THAN ‘how the apostle Paul teaches us what ‘being content’ means’

… ‘how believers of Christ will be delivered from suffering and difficulties’, THAN ‘God who promises to always be with us as we sail through storms of life’

Today I was reminded of how challenges/trials/difficulties CAN happen in one’s life, even when he/she believes in God and is doing things that’re according to God’s will.

Like, Paul and Silas’ situation (as shared in Acts 16)

They were indeed doing God’s work and were in accordance to God’s will, and YET, they were physically hurt by the mob and were thrown to jail.

Does this mean God is not a sovereign God? Does it mean God is not powerful enough to protect His people?


This is where the lyrics in this beautiful song explain the situation well.

God hath not promised skies always blue

God hath not promised skies always blue,

Flower-strewn pathways, all our lives through,

God hath not promised sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

But God hath promised strength for the day,

Rest for the labour, light for the way.

Grace for the trials, Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

God hath not promised we shall not know

Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;

He hath not told us we shall not bear

Many a burden, many a care.

But God hath promised strength for the day,

Rest for the labour, light for the way.

Grace for the trials, Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

God hath not promised smooth roads and wide,

Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;

Never a mountain, rocky and steep,

Never a river turbid and deep.

But God hath promised strength for the day,

Rest for the labour, light for the way.

Grace for the trials, Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

[By Annie Johnson Flint]

This song speaks to me personally, and I was greatly encouraged by the lyrics too!

So far, God’s grace has always been enough for me to get through the day, however tough it’s been.

And I’m learning – still – to put my trust in Him, that He will supply our needs and shower us with His mercy, grace, help and strength, as we face the future and its many ‘unknowns’.

Have a blessed Sunday, everyone.

And here’s wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

Photography : Loving Late Afternoon Sun

29 April 2011 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

Took these shots sometime ago.

While we’re in a taxi.

And it was about 6.15pm here in Singapore.

As usual, Vai sat by the window and when I spotted the beautiful late afternoon sunlight coming through the window, I quickly whipped out my (pocket) camera.

I love such ‘sunlight in the background’ look =)

Quick tips:

– Photos need to be taken when the sun is ‘low’, either early in the morning or before it sets

– If you’re not physically too close to the subject, you can try switching on the flash too to eliminate the possible ‘shadow’ on the face.

[Btw, photos on this blog go through some colour-enhancing works so that I can get the look and feel I want, but such ‘sun-ray effects’, like the one at the top photo, are all natural =) ]


Have fun capturing moments!! =)

Singapore Blog Awards 2011 : Nomination Begins!

28 April 2011 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Hi everyone!

Singapore Blog Awards 2011 is here!

And NOMINATION phase has started (all the way till 22 May).

And, and … this year they have ‘Best Family Blog’ category!!!


To me, it’s like … FINALLY, a category that best describes my blog!! =)

You see, Our Everyday Things had been in the top 10 finalists for the past 2 years, under ‘Best Photography Blog’ category, but now that they have ‘Best Family Blog’ category this year, perhaps there’s a better chance for Our Everyday Things to actually win an ‘official award’? (ie. For the first time ever)

Errr … here’s the part where I’ll be … shameless =)

If you feel my Blog – Our Everyday Things – should be nominated under ‘Best Family Blog’ category (I hope you do feel that way, hehe), please support and nominate, … pleaseee … ? =)

Here’s the link to nominate:

And oh, here’s some info which you may need when filling up the nomination form=)

Blog URL :

Blogger’s email :

Blog’s Title : Our Everyday Things

[And you’d need to give three ‘recommended blog links’ in order to submit the form successfully]

If Our Everyday Things is later shortlisted by the judges as one of the top 10 finalists, I’d REALLY need your support in daily votes yeah!! =)

Thanks SOOO much!!!

Pregnancy and (amusing) Old Wives’ Tales

26 April 2011 | Posted in: Pregnancy & Babyhood | 11 Comments

I posted a question over on Facebook today on the kinds of ‘Old Wives’ Tales’ (pregnancy-related) that people know.

And some amusing ‘beliefs’ were shared! =)

I thought I should just compile the list and share it here too! =)

See if you’ve heard some (or ALL) of them!

Let me start with four ‘tales’ that I’ve heard over the years :

> If you eat crabs, your baby will not stay still (ie. Want to touch this and that)

> If you eat lots of tofu, your baby’s skin will be very smooth

> If you take too much soy sauce in your meals, your baby’s skin will have dark blotches

> Cannot ‘sew’ anything, because there’s a case where a pregnant woman did some sewing and … the ‘body part where baby’s supposed to come out’ was errr …. also ‘stitched up’!

And here’s more of such ‘tales’ from my fellow facebookers (and their stories!)

> If you eat green bean, your baby’s hair will be dark and thick

> Before you’re 3 months pregnant, you must not tell people about your pregnancy to avoid miscarriage

> Must not move house to avoid miscarriage

> Must not use hammer and nails, as they can get to the baby (read: harmful?)

> Must not eat ‘mutton’ (the Indonesian word for this is ‘Kambing’) because the baby can suffer from ‘epilepsy’ (note: It’s because when the word ‘Kambing’ is pronounced, it’s similar to the word ‘epilepsy’ in Chinese =)

> Cannot paint, because your baby will have patches, or whatever ugly birthmark
(Personal sharing: I didn’t paint for both, and both has an exact birthmark on their forehead!)

> Drink coconut drink (for smooth delivery?)

> Don’t drink coffee if you want fair-skinned baby
(Personal sharing: 1st pregnancy – Crab cravings every 3-4 days for about 2-3mths. Baby turns out to be a very good girl and very ‘uncrabby’. 2nd pregnancy – Crave coffee every other day after 2nd trimester, and baby was as fair as bean curd =)

> Cannot carry other people’s children / babies, else baby will feel rejected

> Cannot go near renovation or moving house.
(Personal sharing: I stayed away from renovations and wasn’t there when they were moving the stuff to new home. Hardly lift a finger during those time =)

> Drink soya bean milk to have fair-skinned babies
(Personal sharing: My Mom drank soya bean drink everyday so I’d be born fair-skinned, but I guess she forgot that soya bean can make her baby come out so round and chubby too! =)

> Can’t cut too much ginger or else your hands will turn out like that
(Personal sharing: I actually met someone who has a “6” finger because she said that’s what her mum did)

> Cannot hang any pictures, buy or assemble any furniture, or else you’d have a hard time with delivery

> Do NOT ‘hate’ or feel irritated towards anyone, ELSE the baby will look like that person!
(Personal sharing: No wonder my Mom-in-law irritates me by wanting to stay with us for two weeks =)

And here’s a popular one which I’m sure almost all of us have heard :

> Satisfy your cravings, ELSE the baby will drool a LOT (and for a long time!)


Oh btw, while we’re on this topic, I thought I should also share some common old wives’ tales regarding ‘gender predictions’ =)

It’s a Baby Boy IF :

> The pregnant mom looks more scruffy / less attractive (eg. Dislikes putting on make-up)
> The tummy is more ‘pointy’

It’s a Baby Girl IF :

> The pregnant mom looks radiant and more beautiful
> The tummy is rounder (side to side)

In the photo above, I’m 34 weeks pregnant (took the shot with an iphone when I was in a toilet at IKEA, haha). And since we still don’t know our baby’s gender for sure, … looking at the ‘shape’ of my tummy, does it look like I’ll be having a baby boy OR a baby girl? =)

Anyway, do you believe in such things?

Did you practise any of them?

I’d love to hear MORE from you! Please do share? =)

Anya – The ‘Composer’

24 April 2011 | Posted in: Daily, Inspirational | 3 Comments

I’ve been randomly spring cleaning our home for the past two weeks.

And as I cleared stacks of stuff here and there, I found this (amongst many other scribbles, drawings and stories!)

I didn’t know when she wrote it, nor what caused her to write it.

And so I casually asked Anya what ‘the writing’ was, and she (shyly) said that it was a song that she wrote.

I asked if she had a tune in mind when she wrote it, and she nodded.

She somehow felt shy about singing the tune out for me (or anyone) though, and so I didn’t press her for it.

[Nor did I laugh or make much ‘comments’ on it – for I knew it could potentially discourage her from continuing with what she had explored and started on her own]

I did tell her though that there are many ways to thank God for the blessings we have received, and one of it is through songs, like this one.

And she smiled.

I have no idea what she’ll become when she grows up, nor the kind of life that she’ll have some ten, twenty or thirty years from today. My prayer is for her to continually explore her God-given talents, for God to use all our children in His works to glorify Him and to bless others, and for God to give the needed wisdom to us both as parents, so we can raise our little ones according to His ways – because without His help, we’re completely unable to.

It’ll be a tough challenge. And, an honour, at the same time.

Parenting: Change Takes Time

12 October 2017 | Posted in: Parenting | 2 Comments

What stage of parenthood are you facing right now?
Do you have a child who cares more about what he likes?
Or perhaps, a teenager who finds it hard to get along with her siblings?

Ever felt you …

Video: Here’s to All Moms Out There!

10 August 2011 | Posted in: Parenting, Video | 6 Comments
Video: Here’s to All Moms Out There!

I recently came across this cute video and I thought of sharing it with you, especially with ALL MOMS out there!
I jotted down its lyrics too! Check it out!
Enjoy the video – The Mom Song! =)

The …

Car Rides : Our Opportunity to Build that Communication Habit with the Kids

16 September 2014 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment

Here in Jakarta, I find myself ‘stuck’ in car rides (and traffic) with the kids a LOT. Everyday.
And this, naturally, can be draining. For the mom. Who is also the driver.
Like when the older ones …

Is Keeping a Marriage Healthy and Alive THAT hard?

18 August 2015 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | 2 Comments

These days, we see an increase in marital issues that lead to separation and divorces.
Sad, but true.
Why do marriages break down in the first place?
Is keeping a marriage healthy and alive THAT hard?
At least, I …

Relationships : Disallowing Disrespect

31 March 2013 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships, Parenting | 4 Comments

One of the many things I appreciate about the father of my children is:
He does not allow his children to be disrespectful towards his wife.
I mean, if it ever happened while he’s around (eg. Daughter …

Through thick and thin for the past eight years

7 July 2009 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | 12 Comments

This is my Facebook status today :
… and so today marks the day when I’ve gone through thick and thin with the same man for EIGHT years … and they say, it’ll only get better!
[and …

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