Parenting »

Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


Where inspiring thoughts and treasured life lessons are learned and shared.

Places to Visit

From Hong Kong to Bali, from Universal Studios Singapore to farmstays and beaches in Perth, we share photos, info and tips with you!

Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids

How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


Where precious daily moments are captured and seen through the lens. Sharing with you tips, iphone apps, and ideas too.

Thoughts: Fleeting Moment

11 February 2021 | Posted in: Inspirational | No Comment

The only time we can be
husband and wife, parent and child,
is right here on earth.

Let’s treasure and nurture
the relationship.

Mend broken ties.

Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness.

Brie’s Baking Journey: Not Always Smooth, But It’s OK

Brie has been experimenting with food rather frequently in the past weeks.

I’ve made short clips of the process and shared them on Youtube.


Has it always been smooth and easy for her?

Of course not.

Other than those successful few, there are many failed attempts, too.

Too much apple cider vinegar, yeasts not ‘working’, dough not rising, flat whipping cream, etc.

Oh, also the many moody days when Brie wanted to make something but refused to get the flour (because she somehow can’t find them), feeling too lazy to read the recipe in detail (which led to failed result), etc.

“When that happened, did you get the flour for her?”, you may ask.

The answer is no.

I’d usually share with her these reminders (some or all, depending on the situation)

– Part and parcel of baking is preparing the ingredients well and reading the recipe thoroughly.

– Grumbling does not help, and if you are tired, you can get some rest first, wake up and continue baking if you wish.

– Cleaning up the kitchen top and sink afterwards also need to be done by the baker. Do not “expect” others to wash everything for you.

– Make small portions first. If it turns out nice, then you can always make them again.-

If you fail, it is okay. Try again.

Guiding and encouraging her, appreciating her efforts, directing and correcting her attitude of the heart, need loads of patience on my side, which does not come “naturally” every day (God, help me)

But.I must say I feel grateful, that as Brie embarks on her learning journey, I too learn a lot along the way.

Shaped and corrected.

Building Habits, in the Kitchen!

25 January 2021 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

In some families, the kitchen is meant for moms and helpers.

Not even for daughters.

What more, sons and dads.

Here’s the reality though:

– our daughters and sons will probably become someone’s wife, someone’s husband.

– At the very least, they will be someone’s friend and colleague.

– We won’t be living with them under the same roof, forever.

The question is,
Are our children trained to get involved and offer help proactively?

Or are they raised to be people who expect to be served? (who have no idea on what to do if the helpers are not around)

“It’s lunch time. How come there is no food on the table?'”

“Why are we starting dinner late today? I am hungry.”

“Oh, my dirty plate is on my desk.” *and walks away*

Here’s another reality:
not all children welcome the idea of being involved in the kitchen on a regular basis.

If it’s to make something fun once in a while, well, yes, they’ll be excited.

But if it is a daily thing, … chopping, washing, cooking, … errr … that gets kinda, boring.

Not a surprise if they would prefer to do something else/resist/challenge/complain about the idea of being involved again and again (or question why it’s not done by their siblings instead)

I don’t know what it’s like at your home, but the above ‘response’ happens at OUR home.

I feel it’s simply not easy for them to see that as parents, we are simply trying to equip them with necessary skills and good habits, qualities they all need in the future.

Having said that though, I must say, things are much better today than, say, before they started their online school.

When the 3 kids are at home ALL THE TIME, there’s plenty of time to relate, rebuke and chat, which makes involving them in the kitchen regularly more possible.

Over the past year especially, I also notice how there’s a drop in resistance and complaints. *sigh of relief*


Am I saying that I have successfully trained my kids?

Haha. Far from it.

The journey is still very long.

I’m just glad our kids have started, I guess.

PS: This is the kitchen at Villa TWT where we stayed for 2 nights at Sukabumi. Not too clean, but the tap water is drinkable!

PPS: Not having any helper living with us also makes it more possible for the kids to be more involved in the kitchen and chores.

Making: Whipped Cream Pound Cake, by Brie (9.5yo)

18 January 2021 | Posted in: Food & Health, Video | No Comment

Brie made whipped cream pound cake today and it was a success!

She was SO happy!!

As they say, that feeling of satisfaction is so much greater when success (finally) comes after going through several failed attempts.

“Keep trying. Keep experimenting. Keep learning.”, we often say to all three kids.

A Good Chat, Anywhere

17 January 2021 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

A good chat with our kids can take place anywhere.

At home, in the car, while we have our meals.

To us, it’s a great way of instilling values, sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge.

(Yes, our kids can share something that we do not know, too!)

It sure is our way of building and nurturing relationships.

2021: More Greens.

15 January 2021 | Posted in: Daily, Food & Health | No Comment

While other women cook and create dishes because they love cooking (they never fail to amaze me!), I admit I prepare dishes for my family because ‘I need to’.

I. Just. Cook.

No. Creativity.

(Thank God for a husband who never, yes never, criticises nor complains about what I’ve tried to cook, however super plain it is *love*)

Recently though, somehow there is this strange new interest in preparing healthier western food.

No cooking oil.

Salads. Potatoes. Chicken breast. Fish. Avocado.

Everyone was into the idea of more greens, too!

So there it is.

A good start in the new year.

Hope this new interest doesn’t go away too soon!

(I wouldn’t have explored this if we are not ‘home all the time’)

Photo credit: Anya, the eldest.

The Need to Adapt

10 January 2021 | Posted in: Daily, Inspirational | No Comment

We lived in Singapore for 13 years, and spent a good 9 years in Australia before that.

Order and cleanliness are commonly found in those two countries.

Generally, people throw their rubbish into bins. They flush after toilet use. Public facilities are continually developed and relatively well maintained.

In Singapore, I especially appreciate their many, free and very nice playgrounds, including water playgrounds. Anya and Levi sure enjoyed lots of playtime outdoors.


We moved to Jakarta with 3 kids close to 9 years ago.
(Can’t believe it’s NINE years ago!)


Indonesia is one huge country with more than 250 millions of people.

So many beautiful natural landscapes here.

People in general do not pay much attention to order nor cleanlinessOne of the issues we face is, people in general do not pay much attention to order nor cleanliness.

Littering is common, and public facilities are either under-developed or not maintained well by the local government and locals.

We often share with our kids that despite all that, we must not be the ones ‘adding’ to existing problems.

Still throw rubbish into bins.
Leave things clean after use.
Do not damage public properties, etc.

The thing is, as much as we prefer order and cleanliness, they are, more often than not, hard to find.

Traffic rules are often NOT followed (and somehow most people accept it)

When we explore places across Indonesia, when we go to the beach, toilets are far from clean.

Cemented floors, spider webs, minimal lighting, rubbish at corners, etc.

If that’s what’s available, then we will adapt, use, and learn to tolerateSo, does it mean we STOP exploring, complain all the time, and yell at every other driver who break traffic rules?

Unfortunately, we cannot.

And we should not.

We tell ourselves that we must learn to … adapt.

Which basically means, if that’s what’s available, then we will adapt, use, and learn to tolerate.

More than once I share with the kids:
It is okay if you prefer things to be clean, but we must be able to adapt and survive if they are NOT clean.

And this means, we’d still go to the beach and use its ‘unclean’ toilets to shower, etc.

“We don’t have to like the condition, but we must learn to live with it, and survive if that is what’s available.

Real life is like that, too.

We can’t always have things the way we want.

We need to learn to adapt, though it’s not easy, and we must learn to NOT forget how these things should’ve been made / kept at high / higher standards to begin with.

And one day, if God is willing, we perhaps can be an agent of change, bringing positive impacts, making things better, for other people’s benefits.”

Food for thought.

Limited Time with Kids

9 January 2021 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

We have very little time with our children.

Though our days may seem very long, especially when raising them gets tough (tantrums, breakdowns, etc), essentially there WILL be an ‘expiry date’.

What I mean is:
Precious opportunities to instill values, nurture positive communications, and truly bond with them comes with a ‘time limit’.

If we have been allowing our kids to yell at us and slam bedroom doors since they are 7yo, then it is almost impossible to teach them to NOT do it when they are 15yo.

Here is one thing I truly believe: we reap what we sowIf we have never had prayer times together with them as a family, it will be super hard for us to have a loving, bonding time, praying and sharing time together (that the kids themselves enjoy) when the kids are 16yo and 18yo.

Family is a gift.

Being a parent is a calling.

Tears and frustrations are part and parcel of parenting journeys (because we ourselves are sinners and we deal with sinners)

But here is one thing I truly believe: we reap what we sow.

And if we give time and efforts to build positive relationships with spouse and children, with God’s grace, mercy and help, it will not be in vain.

May God help us all.

Parenting Tips and Thoughts : Acknowledging Milestones

23 April 2009 | Posted in: Daily, Parenting | 4 Comments

Every child goes through developmental milestones. Big and small. And it’s good if they know that we are happy with their developments and that we ‘celebrate’ their milestones.
‘Celebration’ can simply be an action that shows …

Parenting: It’s one of those ‘Impossible’ Days

23 July 2010 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | 14 Comments
Parenting: It’s one of those ‘Impossible’ Days

If you are a parent, I’m sure you’d agree with me when I say our days can be full of … mmm, adventures.
Yes, there are happy and funny adventures.
But as much as we love them …

Parenting : Let’s Read!

10 December 2012 | Posted in: Daily, Parenting | 9 Comments

Now that we are in Jakarta, I have to say … we are very ‘library-deprived’ here.
We enjoyed great libraries back in Singapore. Huge variety of children books, convenient and advanced library system, and basically, well-maintained …

Seminar: Secrets of Christian Courtship and Marriage

7 March 2019 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment

Today all five of us attended a full-day seminar on ‘courtship and marriage’ (Rahasia Pacaran & Pernikahan Kristen).

Here are a few points that I wish to share with you:
💑 It’s not about finding the right …

Thoughts: ‘Always’ and ‘Never’

28 October 2011 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | 6 Comments

“You NEVER listen to me!”
“He is ALWAYS very rude!”
“Why did you behave that way? You’re ALWAYS making me angry!”
“I can NEVER do it!”

I don’t know about you, but Wilson and I – since our dating …

Marriage: Tips and Thoughts on Avoiding Emotional Affairs

26 September 2016 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment
Marriage: Tips and Thoughts on Avoiding Emotional Affairs

Newly married couples don’t normally think about marital affairs. Unless they’re forced into marriage, newly married couples most likely are in love with each other.
The question is, why then do affairs happen?
(Regardless of whether you’ve …

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