Little children grow way too fast!
So here are some quick updates on our littlest little one, while I still can have them all recorded =)
Brie has been the cheerful and friendly type of baby.
She’d smile …
Articles in Pregnancy & Babyhood
Brie : 14 Months
Parenting : Discovering our Baby’s Temperament
Brie is 14 months old tomorrow!
And I’ve been seeing more and more of her stronger ‘temperament’ in the past two months!
In the past two weeks especially, she’s been particularly more fussy than usual.
I assume it’s …
A Baby is Born with a Need to be Loved
Recently I saw an article that talked about a Mom who physically abused her one year old baby.
It was caught on video, and she’s said to have physically abused her crying baby for about four …
Baby Brie : Learning to Walk
[Hand in hand with grandpa]
Our baby Brie just turned 13 months.
And just like any parents of babies her age, one of the common questions asked by friends (and strangers =) is : Has she started …
Baby Brie’s Health : False Measles. Roseola Infantum. Sixth Disease.
One of the many things we parents treasure a LOT is our children’s health, isn’t it?
We want to see smiles and hear giggles, not little ones feeling cranky and irritable.
We want to see them gobbling …
Tips: Four Things We Can Do With Small Babies (and Baby Mobile Giveaway, by Petite Berries)
I know of some people who assume that since newborns and small babies can’t do much, they therefore don’t and can’t learn much.
That they only need to be ‘fed’.
And such a ‘job’ can just be …
Brie: You are ONE today!
Dear Brie,
Oh my. You are ONE year old today!
Which means, exactly a year ago I was at the hospital waiting, texting, waiting, facebook-ing, receiving lots of well-wishes and prayers, induced, waiting, in pain, on gas, …
Babies and Their Poop-y Business (Plus, Bumboo Cloth Diapers Giveaways)
Just the other day, I asked this question on my Facebook status update :
“How many times does your baby poop everyday?”
I asked because I notice how our littlest one in the family (who is now a …