“Babies don’t understand anything!”
“What toddlers need is physical care mostly. Someone to feed, bathe and play together with them. That’s all.”
“What can they understand anyway? They can’t even speak much.”
Adults often assume the first 3 …
Articles in Parenting
Parents, the First THREE Years Are Crucial!

Feeling Angry and Speaking Out What I Have in Mind

Here’s why I love twosome time with a child.
It’s the heart to heart talk we can have, with minimal to zero distractions.
“Brie, sometimes when we feel angry, we talk a lot in our head. Have …
Online School and Addiction to Electronics

Due to the current pandemic, children attend ‘online school’ nowadays.
Since young, they are exposed to the use of computers/iPad/smartphones.
Here’s the thing though.
While online school is inevitable, the use of electronics (computer/iPad/smartphones) OUTSIDE …
IG Live Parenting Talk: Setting Boundaries for Kids

Blessed to share. Share to bless.
Let’s talk about the need for rules and boundaries in a child’s life, and the kinds of consistency, relationship and grace needed.
The IG LIVE Talk was in English, and you …
Parenting: Don’t Look Down on Daily Chores!

Don’t look down on daily chores and habits (esp. for our children).
Put shoes back onto shoe shelves vs. Leave shoes wherever they wish
Wipe clean any spills vs. Ignore spills (assuming someone else will clean it …
Nurturing Our Ability to Communicate and Self-Reflect

Have you seen this video below?
If you haven’t, please do spend a few minutes to watch it.
I love how the 8yo in the video speaks and explains his thoughts and opinion so well, at EIGHT …
Instagram Live: Talk on ‘Routines for Kids: How and Why They Work’

Blessed to share. Share to bless.
(Discussion is in English)
Specifically for parents of preschoolers, establishing good daily routines is crucial.
How can children and parents benefit from having daily routines?
Why are routines even more necessary now …
Redeeming Culture: Talkshow on the Topic of ‘Social Media’

What understandings should we have BEFORE we enter the world of social media?
What are the potential dangers?
As Christians, how should we ‘make use’ of social media and be a blessing to others?
Thankful the opportunity to …