Can’t stop time from ticking.Can’t stop our kids from growing.And so, shouldn’t we prepare them for adulthood, pass on the faith, and treasure them, … while we still can?
Articles in Parenting
Car Rides: Encouraging Family Talks

Over the years, more specifically since we have a car in Jakarta (and that’s 9.5 years ago since we last moved here! Too fast!), we have created this habit of “car talks” with the kids.Basically …
Parenting: I Feel Guilty

I feel guilty.As a Mom, I do feel guilty every now and then.Guilty for not being able to spend time with my youngest as much as she would want to.I mean, deep inside I know …
Dangling a Carrot to Change Behaviour

“If you clean up your room, I’ll give you $2.”“If you don’t fight with your siblings for the whole week, everyone gets an ice cream each on Sunday!”“Each time you get 90 and above in …
When Parent’s Patience Gets Tested

“Mommy, I need to make a mind map (for a school assignment). Can you send me an example of a mind map?”*10 minutes later*“Have you sent me the mind map?”“Not yet. I had to restart …
Food for Thought: Things We Can and Cannot Control

There are things in life that we can control, like, what we eat, how we talk, what we watch. There are others that we cannot control, things like the weather, what people say about us, …
How’s Our “Self-Talk”?

“Be careful with what you say to yourself, about yourself and what happens to you. Too often we say to ourselves things that we BELIEVE as facts and the truth, when in fact they are …
Kids: Growing Up Fast!

A reminder of how treasuring little ones is not an option. Soon enough, it’s time to let go and see each one of them fly on their own, by God’s grace. …Then: 10, 7, 3Now: …