It’s interesting how we subjectively define time.
If you are down with flu and can’t sleep at night, time seems to creep REALLY slowly. But if you’re really tired and the alarm clock goes off in …
Articles in Inspirational
It’s about time

The value of Time

My grandparents came to visit us for a few days. And, yes, … in their old age, they both STILL love to travel. They’re blessed with good health and I’m really glad Anya still gets …
Life in the eyes of a child

All kids live in the moment. They enjoy life as its mystery unfolds, moment by moment.
As adults, life of course is more complicated (difficult colleagues / clients, bills to pay, housework waiting to be done, …
Life’s little bumps

Three of us went to Borders today. Wilson went to search some books, and I took Anya to the children’s section. Off her pram and onto the carpet she crawled. I read to her some …
Two is better than one

It’s interesting to see how kids get motivated to do something when they see others doing the same thing.
I hope that as Anya grows up, she learns to screen out those she shouldn’t copy (you …
Thank God it’s Good Friday

Isaiah 53:3-6
“He was hated and men would have nothing to do with Him, a man of sorrows and suffering, knowing sadness well. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He was hated, and …
What do we do when …

We make decisions nearly every second. What clothes to wear, when will I brush my teeth, how will I comb my hair, what to have for lunch, etc etc. And as parents to a one …