If you expect your children to think and behave more ‘adult-like’ BEFORE they’re developmentally ready to perform them, we’re in a way threatening their sense of emotional security.
Trying to meet parents’ expectations but not yet …
Articles in Inspirational
Parenting Tips and Thoughts : Great expectations
Sunday’s Food for Thought : Seeing things beyond today
We all constantly experience ups and downs in our lives. And while we’re still in this world, none of us can truly be exempted from life’s difficulties.
The Bible writes how a good and honest man …
Sunday’s Food for Thought – Learning through hardships
Be thankful if we ever get to experience hardships in life, because it’s when we go through struggles and difficult situations that we learn how to ‘fight’ and survive our daily ups and downs.
Just like …
Sunday’s Food for Thought – Breaking free
As the highest level of created beings, we are ‘given’ a conscience, morality, a longing (to find the truth and purpose in life and in everything that happens in our lives) amongst many other attributes.
We …
Sunday’s Food for Thought – reaping what we sow
We reap what we sow, hence if we want a better future, then we need to start working on it TODAY.
The same goes with raising our kids.
If we want our little ones to grow and …
Sunday’s Food for Thought – Fairness to all
Little children do not ask for their parents to be rich. They don’t resent their mom for not being pretty. They will not choose whom they wish to have as their parents.
But, all little children …
Sunday’s Food for Thought – When no one’s looking
Whether we like or not, in general we all have ever been ‘pretentious’.
When we’re alone or amongst people who don’t personally know us, our true characters often come out more naturally, compared to when we’re …
Sunday’s Food for Thought – loving and disciplining
Babies and little children are like angels ‘without wings’. They seem so innocent, so sweet, so adorable.
Parents however shouldn’t only focus on the cute side of these little ones and forget about disciplining, training and …