Some people find it easier to give thanks when they’re happy.
Some others find it easier to look up and remember about God when they go through difficult times.
But often, what happens is, God is simply …
Articles in Inspirational
Sunday’s Food for Thought : Thankfulness in Good and Bad Times

Food for Thought : Tips on Being a Good Dad

We all know, Daddies are usually less ‘available’ in a child’s life because they most likely need to be at work, for many hours in a day.
The question is, given the limited time a man …
Sunday’s Food for Thought : 10 Virtues to Pray for Your Children

“Do you love your children?”
Most parents would immediately say, “Yes, of course!” to that question.
But continuing from what I blogged about earlier, loving our children means so much more than merely giving them toys and …
Parenting : Do We Provide Our Children With What They Need ‘The Most’?

Parents today are generally busy.
Very busy if you have more than one child.
Extremely busy if you have more than two children, no domestic helper AND work and deadlines to clear.
Today I’d like to share this …
Sunday’s Food for Thought : When Suffering Takes Places

I’m sure every one of us agrees on this : There is no individual on earth who has not suffered, at one point or another.
Since suffering is inevitable, what matters more is actually our response …
Parenting : The Journey has Its Downs Too

We always hear about how parenting is full of joy and happiness.
How children are a bundle of joy.
How life with children is beautiful.
(I mean, that’s what I’ve always hoped to share with readers too through …
Sunday’s Food for Thought : The Heavens Declare The Glory of God

I guess it’s just natural.
It’s natural for us to find it difficult to appreciate the beauty of nature, the amazing works of God’s hands, … when we live in a busy city, surrounded by thousands …
Thoughts : When Money Can Do More Bad Than Good To The Kids?

I think no one would intentionally wish to have no money.
We live in this world, and we need money to pay for stuff.
But does it mean that we should then wish to have ‘loads of …