The kids – especially Levi – was made in charge of finding the ways around the theme park in our recent visit to Hong Kong Disneyland.
The 3 of them are often asked to queue for …
Articles in Inspirational
Instilling a Sense of Direction and Appreciation for What Children Receive

Thoughts: Boasting About Tomorrow

Food for thought.
From James 4:13-17
Boasting About Tomorrow
13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”
14 Why, …
Realities that Happen BEHIND Beautiful Photos Shared Online

Too little can be known about a person through social media.
Too many UNTOLD stories behind one’s life.
Our 24 hours a day cannot possibly (and should not all) be shared with ‘everyone’.
Behind all smiley photos, …
Thoughts: Food vs Appetite

Many people assume that they’ll be happier if they have more money.
Not necessarily so.
A wealthy person sleeping on one super expensive mattress may find it very hard to sleep, while someone else, owning only …
Seeing BEYOND Our Own Little World

Knowledge gained from books fills the head.
It’s good and necessary. BUT, if such gain is not complemented with guided exposure to different positive experiences, it will remain where it is.
In the head.
This is one …
In Remembrance of Our Aunt, Tante Mercy

The year 2018 has been filled with many, TOO many, news of friends and relatives’ passing.
Sudden, unexpected leaving of someone we know, or loved ones of someone we know.
Like, today … we are all saddened …
When Siblings Baked a Birthday Cake for the Eldest

So here’s the story.
It was the eldest’s 14th birthday and the other 2 siblings decided, on their own, … to bake a cake for her.
(Mommy is still drowned in her piles of deadlines, Daddy is …
VLOG: Counting Our Blessings vs. Counting the ‘Bad Stuff’

I may be vlogging a little more frequently this year =)
Here’s my first one this year, and it’s on counting our blessings versus counting the ‘bad stuff’ that happens around us.