Blessed to share. Share to bless.
(Discussion is in English)
Specifically for parents of preschoolers, establishing good daily routines is crucial.
How can children and parents benefit from having daily routines?
Why are routines even more necessary now …
Articles in In the Media
Instagram Live: Talk on ‘Routines for Kids: How and Why They Work’

Redeeming Culture: Talkshow on the Topic of ‘Social Media’

What understandings should we have BEFORE we enter the world of social media?
What are the potential dangers?
As Christians, how should we ‘make use’ of social media and be a blessing to others?
Thankful the opportunity to …
VLOG: Movie Review of ‘Joker’ (2019) – English and Indonesian

Do you plan to watch ‘Joker’ the movie?
Here’s my personal review of the movie ‘Joker’ (NO spoilers):
> This is a very dark movie.
The movie is all about depression, mental illness, rage, revenge, unfairness, bitterness, …
Reformed 21: In Conversation With

Fruitful discussions this week for the programme ‘In Conversation With’.
One was on ‘greed’ as one of the 7 deadly sins, and the other was on T.U.L.I.P., which essentially talks about the amazing grace of God …
Nice Gesture from the Government at our Christmas Service

We live in a country where there had been (and are still happening in some areas) religious clashes, tension and pressures.
So, it was indeed nice to have our Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto …
Busy Weeks, Loads of Lessons Learned

My days have been busy, but I’ve been truly blessed, and learned a lot along the way.
Some of the things that I’m thankful for are the sessions I had with these professors, doctors and pastors, …
Media Feature: Mother and Baby Indonesia Magazine

This is a huge THROWBACK.
Because, I found this photo and realised how I haven’t shared about it on the blog! Hah.
Just in case you’re new on my blog, … my blog is my ‘online journal’, …
Photos: Reformation 500 in Jakarta

Such a huge privilege to be part of this historical event – 500th anniversary of the Reformation!
By God’s grace husband and I were part of this big team of volunteers, serving and working to ensure …