Saturday spent amidst lots of green. Making new friends, appreciating nature and the great outdoors. 14 km trek. Mud. Rain. Cool breeze. Awesome view.
Articles in Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids
Brie and Books

Am grateful for Brie’s school’s literacy programme where all students need to read a book during a given period. They are asked to read a book “outside of school hours”, too.For Primary School students like …
Parenting: I Feel Guilty

I feel guilty.As a Mom, I do feel guilty every now and then.Guilty for not being able to spend time with my youngest as much as she would want to.I mean, deep inside I know …
Brie and her Vanilla Muffins

Glad that Brie has found something that she loves to explore further.Baking.The pandemic, as much as we hope it is over as soon as possible, sure has allowed much more time for her to experiment …
Brie’s Baking Journey: Not Always Smooth, But It’s OK

Brie has been experimenting with food rather frequently in the past weeks.
I’ve made short clips of the process and shared them on Youtube.
Now.Has it always been smooth and easy for her?Of course not.Other than those …
Brie: Baking Yummy Banana Muffins

Because learning should start from home.
Brie baked fresh banana muffins for everyone, with no help from anyone.
Brie: 9 years, 4 months
VLOG and Activity Idea: Enjoying Works of Art WITHOUT Leaving Jakarta!

Parents often wonder: WHERE oh WHERE should we go as a family over the weekend in Jakarta?
Here’s one place you can visit: Galeria Sophilia!
THREE (out of many) reasons why you should go and visit (bring …
The Spirit of Volunteerism

This is something that we hope our children learn through their involvement at the recent international tennis event’s Tennis Kids Festival (part of Pertamina 25K ITF Women’s Circuits)
Learn to put the needs of others before …