When Cough Bugs Are Passed Between Siblings!
At our home, we have one school-going girl, one home-schooled boy and a 17-month-old baby girl.
None goes to childcare centres.
And so just like all other homes where there’s at least one school-going child in the family : germs, bacteria and viruses tend to be ‘brought home’ by the school-going one, and passed on to the younger siblings.
I know I know. It’s one of those things that can’t be avoided, BUT … what gets to me is that out of the three kids, our littlest one usually is the worst hit.
ie. What starts out as mild coughs (or a cold) most likely develops into bronchiolitis – “Swelling and mucus buildup in the smallest air passages in the lungs (bronchioles), usually due to a viral infection.”
And this time round, her coughs are the worst kind.
She’d cough a phlegmy cough (like it’s stuck in her throat and she can’t clear the phlegm out), and sneeze, and cough and sneeze again.
All in one go.
Sometimes it lasts for 4 seconds, without a chance of her breathing in between.
Sometimes it’s a marathon cough, again and again for a good 2 minutes or so, with her catching some breath in between.
And, sometimes she ends up vomiting a little (which in a way is a good thing because it means she rids some of her sticky phlegms)
It’s been more than a week, and with her losing almost all of her appetite, I’m simply hoping and praying for the bugs to completely go away.
Real soon.
Here’re some useful write-ups I came across recently:
> Caring for Toddler’s Coughs – WhatToExpect.com
> Bronchiolitis – babycentre.co.uk
> Walking Pneumonia – Webmd.com
Have a good and healthy weekend, everyone!
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Semoga semua anggota keluarga selalu sehat ya….
applausr recently posted..Kora Kora.. Obat Awet Muda
Oh dear! My almost 2-y.o. son also recently went through a very bad bout of cough/cold. He had severe coughing fits, waking up throughout the night because of non-stop coughing or because he was so clogged up with phlegm…. the vomiting was the most worrying for me because he didn’t seem to be able to keep much food or liquid down at one point due the coughing leading to vomiting and so on. I guess they always get through it, but it’s always hard on the little ones.
Serenely recently posted..Have a wonderful weekend