Activity Idea: Coloured Paper, Shapes and Imagination
Here’s one activity idea that works well with young kids:
… creating new shapes using different shaped cut-outs.
Like, your child can always create:
… a car, using two circles and a rectangle
… an umbrella, using a half-circle and a long rectangle
What I personally like about this activity :
– It’s very simple to prepare
– You only need a piece of white paper, glue stick and scissors to cut out the coloured paper
– It allows the kids to imagine and create things using existing shapes
– For older kids, they can also create imaginative stories out of what they’ve made
This was what Vai created, hehe.
There’s a car, a moon, a tennis racket, a house, a hammer of some sort and a few other things which he explained (but I’ve now forgotten. Oops.)
And this was what Anya created. There’s a moon, a mountain, a church, a girl and a house of ‘love’ (the one on the right, hehe)
She drew a few other things with a pen on the shapes and told me stories of how there’s boy who climbed up the mountain to find his Daddy, etc.
It’s always interesting to see how far a child’s imagination can soar.