Sunday’s Food for Thought : Life and its meaning
Many hopes to live a good and long life.
But life, however long it gets, means nothing, if it’s filled only with selfish purposes, ie. if it’s lived only for the self.
Our life’s meaning does not depend on whether or not we’re accepted by others and the society, or whether we have financial wealth.
One may live a short life, but his / her life is meaningful and fruitful if within that short a period, he / she creates a positive impact that lasts for thousands of years.
Our life, however short it may be, can be meaningful if it’s used by God.
It’s more about the ‘quality’ of our life.
Not quite the ‘quantity’.
How has our life been lived this year?
And how do we plan to live out our life fruitfully and meaningfully in the coming year?
[Note: Based on what I’ve personally learned from today’s sermon by Rev. Stephen Tong, as he shared the short life of John the Baptist]