Formula One Singapore Grand Prix – 1st ever night race
I’m not a Formula One fan. But I’m married to one. Well okay, he’s actually more of a tennis fan, but to miss seeing and ‘feeling’ the whole Formula One experience right here in Singapore is pretty close to impossible for him.
And so yes the kids and I were there with him, on Friday and again today.
We didn’t get ‘up close and personal’ to the actual race (he did yesterday!), but watching it from a distance and hearing such a deafening sound of racing cars going at full speed right in front of our eyes was such a thrilling experience for me and the kids!
It was exciting! Even to a non-fan like me!
And today, Vai was going, ‘F One! F One! Ngeeeenngggg…..’ hehe.
Anyway, here are some more photos of the event!
[Wilson was the one who took the ‘car shots’]
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Samantha :
Ya ya .. when you’re actually there, the loud sound from the race seemed to have gone ‘through you’ too! 🙂
Waaa….Wilson would’ve LOVED to have been in your place instead!!! haha…
iya, grand prix mah kenceng banget suaranya. gw dulu pas kerja di child care di south melb (grand prix saban taon kan di albert park, ga gitu jauh, tp yah cukup jauh lah, jalan kaki bisa gempor). selalu kedengeran dari tempat kerja gw pas grand prix. klu lagi bacain cerita, tiap kali ‘ngeeeeeng’ selalu stop baca, soalnya suara gw tenggelam di ‘ngeeeeng’ itu, hahaha. lagian tiap kali grand prix, gw slalu kudu rebutan tram dgn fans-nya grand prix tiap pergi kerja. jadi bete. so gw ga suka sih grand prix itu, nonton di tv gw ga keberatan tp suruh pergi nonton, gw ogah. pdhal grand prix taon ini, damien dpt tiket nonton gratis dr kantornya. suruh gw pergi, gw ga mau lah. hahaha
Although I am not the fan. But I believe hearing the sound is good enough to heat up the surrounding atmosphere;