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14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

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Home » Marriage & Relationships

Marriage : staying together, staying happy (Part II)

6 September 20083 Comments

We all know when it comes to marriage and keeping the relationship going for a long time, being ‘in love’ alone is not enough.

Because as much as two people love each other, they’re two individuals with different backgrounds, personalities, emotional needs, amongst lots of other things. And when together, disagreements and conflicts are simply inevitable.

In our home, we have our share of heated arguments too.

When good intentions are misunderstood. Lack of communication is seen as lack of appreciation. An exchange of unkind tone of voice as a result of work pressure and daily stress.

Just like any other normal relationships, we have our moments of frustrations with each other.

Really, it’s only when we start talking openly, listening to the other person, resisting the urge to self-defend, swallowing own pride, apologising for one’s unwise move, that we can slowly come to a better understanding of each other.

And I must say, in the end, when both parties are willing to work things out and build a strong marriage together, the seemingly negative experience can bring us closer as husband and wife. That is, when we better understand our spouse’s need and thoughts, and when we discover better ways of handling such conflicts in the future.


The other day we went to a gathering where quite a few ‘senior married couples’ gave their words of wisdom and shared some relationship-related advice to those who’re to be married soon.

And as always, it was an insightful session.

[We had something similar arranged for us before we got married too and we learned SO much from it!]

Here are some practical tips shared that evening :

1. Unless it really is not an option for you both, explore the possibility of having your own roof (ie. not share your home with your parents and in-laws)
Once you’re married, you need time to get used to how things work between just the two of you. And if you have the privacy of your own home, however simple your roof is, adjustments become more ‘real’ and less complicated (ie. without any third parties’ involvements and presence)

2. When conflicts occur, hold your tongue and avoid saying hurtful words that you’ll only regret later. ‘Battles’ get resolved, but hurtful words uttered in a moment of anger may remain in the mind and heart of your spouse.

3. Where necessary, when you’re really mad, step out of the situation to cool your mind and emotions off for a while.
Go to a different room and separate yourself. Do something different for a few minutes. Re-evaluate the situation and gain a little perspective of what’s really going on. Introspect and see whether going ahead with the battle will do any good to the both of you tomorrow or in a year or two.

4. For the wife, especially later when you’re busy looking after the children fulltime : look after and keep yourself ‘physically attractive’ in the eyes of your husband, and remember to keep yourself up to date with what’s going on outside the four walls of the home.
Other than being a mother, you’re a wife too. And as much as you need to be there for your children, your husband needs you as well.

Try to always be in the know, read the newspaper, go out and socialise. Because when your husband talks to you about his work and ‘his world’, you want to be able to respond and ‘understand’ as much as possible what he’s trying to share with you. Because sharing with a completely clueless wife who shows no interest in her husband’s struggles nor in developing and valuing herself may unconsciously lead to a situation where the husband finds more ‘joy’ in chatting and sharing with someone else, somewhere else.

5. For the husband, especially when you start having children in the house : remember to show your love and appreciation with actions and words, to proactively offer help with the household chores, to actively participate in raising the children, especially when it comes to disciplining and teaching them what’s right and wrong. Play an active and responsible role as the husband, the father, the leader in the house. Because your children will learn from you, and your wife will respect you more and more when you do so lovingly and consistently.

It takes two to work on a marriage, and yes, staying together and staying happy throughout a relationship needs lots of hard work.

But when both husband and wife put in their best effort, overcoming each hurdle together, their relationship will grow even stronger. Which actually is the beauty of marriage itself, isn’t it?

Those top three photos were taken by Wilson. The first two was taken in London when he’s flown over for the shoot. The third ‘perspective’ shot was of Liang Seah Street, Singapore.


When it comes to trying to make a relationship work, there are countless tips out there.

Any practical tips and thoughts on marriage, relationships and resolving conflicts that you’ve heard of or you’ve applied yourself? Please do share. Look forward to reading them!


  • Leonny says:


    Thanks for sharing juga Sis!

    Yes it’s a tough one ya … the presence of our parents (or whoever’s in our house for a long period of time) can manage to put a strain to the relationship we already have within our own family.

    I guess, it’s sort of normal for any family to face ‘problems’ whenever we put our ‘priority or preferences’ to people other than our own spouse ya … I think I’d probably experience the same thing if I were in your shoes.



    Thanks for sharing too!

    Perhaps the thing about in-laws and their presence at our home is, they tend to ‘intervene’ with what our family does? Not always with a bad intention though, coz there are in-laws who genuinely are nice.

    I guess it’s just hard for them to NOT ‘comment’ when they see something and they disagree. (That’s why for me, the best solution is to ‘not’ see at all … )

    Anyway, your case is a really tough one though! It’s amazing how you’ve survived it all till today.

  • Sally says:

    Memang betul sebaiknya kalo udah married usahain punya tempat sendiri jgn sama in laws karna itu will create a lot of conflicts karna laki gw tuh the precious one. Itu yg gw alami skrg, karna gue masih tinggal ma tantenya laki gw yg ngak married and worse still, ngak kerja. Sering sekali dia ikut campur. i.e kalo kita lagi ribut. trus masalah anak selalu monitor gimana gue kasih makan anak gw and dia ngak suka cara gw discipline anak gw. Nah buntut2xnya, ngomongin gw dibelakang deh ma kakak2xnya. Tapi gue orgnya outspoken jadi mrk ngak gitu berani banyak ngomong di depan gw. Jadi kalo tinggal ma in law, lebih baik keep the conversation to a minimum apalagi kalo udah tau mrk tuh the gossip type.

  • Siska says:

    thanks for sharing…. klu ada mertua emang susah yah… gw jg berasa banget klu nyokap dateng ke sini, walaupun cm 3 bln, berasa banget hubungan gw dan damien jadi rapuh. knp yah? gw jg ga gitu ngeh sebetulnya. tp kenyataannya gitu aja. makanya kadang gw suka was2 juga klu nyokap ada disini. mgkn krn gw slalu merasa wkt gw dgn nyokap tuh precious bgt, cuma pendek dan stlh nyokap pulang, mo ktemu susah. jadi gw tend to neglect damien. krn nyokap dan damien ga bs komunikasi, jd susah jg. yg 1 ga bs inggris, yg 1 ga bisa indo.yah bisa dikit2 sih. tp ga cukup utk have proper conversation.

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