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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Car Talks : Life is also about Doing Things We May Not Like

28 July 2016No Comment


We are fine if our children have a different opinion, as long as they express their thoughts in ways that still respect other peopleIf you are a parent, you’ll agree with me that as children grow up, they will increasingly assert their thoughts and wants. They’ll agree and disagree with us.

In our family, we are fine if our children have a different opinion, as long as they express their thoughts and wants in ways that still respect other people (ie. Parents, siblings, friends, etc).

By ‘respecting other people’, I basically mean, no rolling of eyes, sarcasm, screaming, nor whining.

(This is the tough part which we all still need to learn)


The older kids were faced with decision making moments the other day, like, which after school activities they wish to do and change, etc.

brie_mom_jun2016We had talks about this in the car.

And this is what I shared with them:

We don’t always get to do what we like.

What we like right now may not be what’s good for us. What we don’t like right now may in fact be necessary.

Life will not only be filled with things we like. In life, we’d definitely be faced with situations where we have to do what we don’t quite like.

And, what often happens is, years later we’d find out that our characters are actually being shaped or we’re actually being ‘equipped with a particular skill’. And, that ‘shaping’ takes place when we go through those months and years of discomfort and inconvenience.

As your parents, we try our best to see what’s best for you. And you need to learn to trust us, that we love you and will help guide you towards what’s good and necessary … even though you may not like it right now.

Mmm. I find myself talking so much everyday.

And, I find it hard being a parent.

May God help us all.

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