Easter is …

Everyone dies.
Whether you are rich or poor, a person of great power and wealth or a beggar, a famous celebrity or a plain somebody.
Death comes to every one of us, and no power, money or anything can save us when it comes to us.
When Jesus died on the cross, He surrendered His life. He “chose” to bear the wrath and punishment (that was ours), and He “chose” to give His life and die for you and me, so that we who believe can be saved, reconciled, made right with God.
No longer enemies, but adopted as children who can lovingly call God: “Father”.
Christ’s resurrection from death is the reason why we have hope today, including a hope to conquer sinful temptations daily.
Our Saviour is alive!
Not in some tomb, but in heaven, praying for us, preparing a place for us at home, heaven, with Him one day.
I thank God for His sacrifice and love, for His resurrection, and I look forward to be home one day.
And this, everyone, is Easter.

May His grace and strength be given to us as we struggle to live our days, every day, not according to however we want, but according to His ways, for we have been redeemed, bought by His precious blood on the cross.Have a blessed Easter.
Ephesians 1:7
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.