XnZ Podcast: Episode 1 is out!

OK, so here’s our newest project:
My eldest (Anya, 17yo) and I started a podcast together!
It’s called “XnZ Podcast” because it’ll where you’ll get insights into two different generations’ views on things.
I mean, usually the parents get to share their thoughts on their own social media platforms or seminars, and the teens get to rant and share their thoughts on their own platforms, BUT we hardly get to hear BOTH views at the same time, right?
So that’s why XnZ Podcast is born – to hear BOTH sides of the matter!
(Btw, we speak in Indonesian for now, but am thinking of doing it in English every now and then)
Come and listen!
We’ll be uploading new episodes every Thursday!
Click one of the links below to listen (and please do follow):
(I’ve also created a direct link to Spotify on the right side of my blog page)
Hope it can be a blessing!