We Cannot Change Our Children

Posts on social media show only a glimpse of reality. When it comes to parenting, obviously nothing happens in an instant.
We may have been teaching our children to:- proactively offer help or apologise, without being asked
– do assigned, regular house chores without being reminded
– not grumble when asked to help others
– treat siblings kindly
Just to name a few.
As much as we hope our children are “transformed”, the reality is, many years of instilling values (with love, patience, wisdom and consistency, etc.) do not mean our children are automatically “changed from the inside out”.
One of the reasons is, we are dealing with shaping/reorienting/shepherding human hearts and tendencies.
We are not simply “modifying behaviours”.
We deal with humans, not robots, and all our heart tendencies are sinful – preferring wrong over right, self over others, receiving over giving, rights over responsibilities.

So, what can we parents do then?
Just do what we can, as consistently, lovingly and patiently, as we possibly can.
Not forgetting to pray for each and every one of them.
Because ultimately, true repentance and change in their hearts (and ours), are the works of God.
IF there’s a change, it is by God’s grace alone.
IF we have daily strength to keep on going, it is also because of His help.
Food for thought.