Tips for Parents – Avengers: Infinity War (No Spoilers)
So here we are, spending our Friday night together at the movies, watching … Avengers: Infinity War!!
Don’t worry, I will not give out any spoilers here.
I’d like to share some points with you though.
If you are thinking of bringing along young kids to watch it, do note:
– Movie is 2 hours and 40 mins long
– Lots of fights and explosions (after all, it IS ‘war’), not gory though
– There is swearing here and there though not too heavy (which frankly I still wasn’t too happy about. Had a chat with the kids about it afterwards)
– Some kissing scenes (though not ‘lustful, heavy kissing’ type)
Other random things I’d like to point out:
– Do watch the movie until the VERY end! (yes, there are more scenes at the end. It’s nice anyway to see and appreciate the thousands of people who worked hard to produce the movie)
– Do NOT be annoying and give out spoilers! If you have watched and enjoyed the movie, good on you. Be fair, and let others enjoy the surprises, too.
– There’s a mocking reference to Jesus by Star Lord. Supposed to be a joke for movie-goers to laugh at, and I do NOT appreciate it. It’s a great movie even without that line. If such mockery were made on another religion’s ‘leader’, there will sure be boycotts and demonstrations around the world.
Glad that we didn’t watch the 3D version of it. For my age, 160 mins of war in 3D can potentially give me a massive headache 😁
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Wow i think its rating age for 13+PG? Bbrp teman mau ajak anak2nya ntn tp saya ragu2
Iya, secara overall movie, sebenarnya masih cukup ‘ok’, dalam arti, ini mmg movie war yang banyak fighting, tapi fightingnya tidak ‘sadis’ dan berdarah2. Untuk aku pribadi, masih acceptable.
Bbrp bagian, anaknya (Brie yang hampir 7 thn) juga ga mau liat. Jadi dia ga mau liat aja …
Tapi, yang aku kurang comfortable itu adalah bbrp bahasa yang dipakai, karena kasar dan kurang ‘children friendly’. Walau tidak ada ‘F***’ word. Kita jelasin bbrp hal dan diskusiin pas setelah nonton filmnya.
Terus terang sih, kalau anak kami yang paling besarnya itu misalkan baru berusia 8-9 thn, kami tidak akan nonton ini di bioskop dengan bawa dia.
Ini kami nonton ber5, karena kami ada anak yang 14 thn dan hampir 12 thn, jadi yang bungsu (hampir 7thn) otomatis ikut juga.
Bbrp movies kami pilih untuk tidak nonton ber5, walaupun anak sudah ada yg 14 dan hampir 12 thn … eg. Transformers. Ada adegan2 yang cenderung se*ual yang kami ga rasa cocok untuk di konsumsi anak2.
Fast Furious pun tidak mereka tonton.
Oh iyaa ci, anak2 saya baru usia 6,5 dan 7,5th, kayaknya mmg blom cocok ntn ini. Bbrp temen yg punya anak sepantaran bw anak2nya ntn. Thank you buat masukan dan infonya ya 🙂