‘Thank You’ and ‘Please’, Even at Home
Do our children say ‘Thank You’ and ‘Please’ at home?
Do they thank their Mom for cooking their dinner?
Do they say ‘Please’ when they ask their Dad or brother to play the CD in the car?
Parents who teach their children to say ‘Thank You’ and ‘Please’ to others outside the home may unconsciously NOT remind their children to do it for family members at home.
May be it’s because we see each other all so often every day?
Or may be, it’s because parents automatically assume that it’s their duty to help and provide for their kids, so they need not say ‘Thank you’ or ‘Please’?
Personally, I believe children must be taught to say ‘Thank you’ and ‘please’, even at home.
(And, we of course must do it ourselves, too!)
Because, although we cook and provide for the children, ‘responsibilities through thankful gestures’ need to be taught and exercised early.
They may not say it ‘all the time’ and not for every single help they get from family members. Nevertheless, appreciating those at home is what they need to learn and do.
Food for thought:
If they don’t say thanks to the people they see, how do they thank God whom they cannot see?