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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Getting Help from Others is Okay

17 June 2017No Comment

We are created as social beings.

But the reality is, some people may feel that they can survive ‘on their own’, that they do NOT need other people’s help.

That, getting help from others means we are weak.

As a parent, I always teach our 3 kids the importance of ‘doing things on their own’.

All kids knew how to put on their socks and shoes before they turned 1.5yo. They started eating on their own before they turned 2yo. They could shower and bathe themselves by 3yo. They learn how to cook for the family, wash their dishes, etc.

And, we always remind them about the importance of ‘trying and not giving up so easily when things get tough’, ie. Don’t easily ask for help when you haven’t tried to do it again and again.

Learning and knowing how to do things on their own does NOT mean they must never get help from others, though.

This is one value that we instill in them since young, too.

ie. There are times when we have to do things on our own, without anyone’s help. And, there are times when we need other people’s help, and it’s totally okay. 


Like, when I had this interview shoot with Rev. Aiter for Reformed 21 TV, it was one of those days where dependence upon other people’s help was needed, and greatly treasured.

A make-up artist friend performed some magic on me.

The crews did their work and supported the whole production.

Good friends of ours went out with the kids and welcomed them at their home while I had my shoots.


With such support and help given at times of need, … how can I not feel blessed?

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