Parenting: Nurture Good Reading Habits
Here is one sad truth about Indonesia’s literacy level:
Indonesia is the second worst among the world’s 61 most literate nations, only higher than Botswana, according to a new study conducted by Central Connecticut State University in the US.
(Extracted from an article in the Jakarta Post, March 2016)
Good reading habits need to be nurtured and encouraged, since young
In addition to the above, I also read, somewhere, that Indonesians’ overall ‘reading habit’ (read: Love for reading) is very low. Like, Indonesians read an average of just one book per year?
I don’t know the ‘authenticity’ of the statistics, but anyway the message was clear: love for reading is not high amongst Indonesians. And we need to do something about it where we can.
Good reading habits need to be nurtured and encouraged, since young.
But. We can’t expect young children to be literate and to love reading and learning, if good books are not available, if habits are not nurtured, and if positive examples are not given.
Let’s start with our own family, and ourselves.
Food for thought.