Are you on Instagram?
I am. And one of the things that I don’t like about Instagram is how the texts (in the caption) CANNOT have any paragraph spacing, ALTHOUGH I’ve typed ‘return’ to create the paragraph spacing.
Like this.
Today, I discovered how to CREATE SPACE between paragraphs!
(If you already know this trick, then scroll down and read my other posts! I’m excited to have found this trick okay =D)
This is how you do it:
> Add a period (fullstop) between the lines of the texts
> Make sure there is NO SPACE at the end of your line/sentence.
That’s it!
Try and edit your ‘text heavy’ Instagram caption to see if this trick works!
PS: Btw, here’s the LINK TO MY INSTAGRAM. Most welcome to follow my posts =D
Aku juga biasanya pake titik, tapi ada yg gak pake titik dan tetep bisa bikin spasi bawah itu gimana caranya ya, hehehe
Nah, kalau sudah ketemu, mau dong di share jg disini =D Aku sempat baca, katanya dulu mmg sempat bisa dengan tidak pakai titik, tapi setelah itu, somehow balik lagi ke pakai titik.