Making: A Barn & Farm Animals using Ice Cream Sticks
What can you make with ice cream sticks?
Vai chose to make a barn and farm animals for this school project, all on his own.
Glad that it’s finally done!
(Umm, just in case you’re wondering ‘Why PINK??’, well, that’s the colour we have at home =)
You know what’s the tough part of this project?
This young man needed ‘multiple’ reminders to finish his project by the deadline! (read: It wasn’t completed within a day or two)
Pfft. A procrastinator.
(Like Mommy, I guess =)
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I love the farm animals he made! So cute!
Adeline recently posted..Friday Flips #55: When Does the Search End? (Plus Giveaway!)
Hehe … thanks Adeline.
I did ask him ‘What animal is this ya?’ hehe as I wasn’t sure if it was a cat or a cow =) He said he found it hard to cut felt for the tiny ears that they ended up looking like some scruffy looking ears =D