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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Food for Thought : Staying REAL though on Social Media

18 June 2015No Comment


Most people today have a Facebook account.

And Twitter, Instagram, Path, etc.

(Mmmm, … I choose to not have a Path account though. Just to many for me to manage =)

Typing and smiling on social media is easier than saying hello and smiling sincerely to people (including friends on FB) we actually meet?Now the thing is, I feel, one big issue (amongst many) with today’s modern technology is, (some) people sound more friendly and sociable on social media than in real person.

Typing and smiling on social media is easier than saying hello and smiling sincerely to people (including friends on FB) we actually meet?

(Have you experience this, btw? I know I have, and I seriously hope others don’t find me ‘cold and ignorant’ in real life)

For kids, especially, to me, it is really no hurry for them to enter the social media world.

I mean, they won’t miss a thing if they’re 11 and don’t have an Instagram or Facebook account just yet.

Plus, the minimum age to have a Facebook account is 13yo, isn’t it?

Why should kids be encouraged to create a ‘false identity’?

Why should kids be encouraged to create a ‘false identity’?It may seem simple to many parents, but if you ask me, I feel it’d be similar to letting our children ‘pretend’ to be ‘someone else’ in the virtual world.

Starting with, being ‘older’ than who they really are.

(While we may be concerned about a 35yo man pretending to be a 14yo girl and being friends with our kids online, … really, why should we start introducing the idea that it is ‘okay’ for our own kids to be someone they are not?)



As much as I myself am active in the social media world, I try to remind myself as often as I can, that what’s more important is interactions with real people.

What’s important is to stay REAL, though we engage the social media for positive goodness.

We can still choose this, if we want to.

Let’s remind each other.

Food for thought.

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