When Youtube is not always Bad for our Kids
Out of the many things we share with the kids, one of them is:
We need to be extra careful with the internet.
It has lots and LOTS of rubbish.
But, at the same time, it has some good stuff too. We need to know how and where to look for them.
In our family, browsing the internet (eg. School projects, online games, etc) is done together with us, the parents.
ie. Our kids don’t freely browse for information / images / videos on the internet / Youtube.
(And we’ve explained the reasons why with the older ones)
eg. If it’s online games time for them, then I’ll open the page (eg. Pbskids.org), and our son would play the games on the site.
When I say ‘Youtube is not always bad for kids’, I mean … we can learn so much from experts who share their video tutorials online!
In the case of our eldest, she likes to draw, and so her Dad introduced Mark Crilley to her.
She’s watched a few of Mark Crilley’s Youtube videos on how to draw and sketch.
(Link to his videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/markcrilley)
To us, it’s always good when a child finds ways to learn and be inspired, though away from ‘school’.
PS: Again, like almost all things on the internet, not ALL his ‘how to draw videos’ are ‘appropriate’ for our kids, so we still do choose which ones to watch from his video collection.
[A shot taken back in May 2014, when she’s drawing away while waiting in our car, a day after watching Mark Crilley’s video tutorial]
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yes, my kid still learning using youtube for watching his favorite animal, is dinosaurus
Iya Mba, kuncinya aku rasa adalah selalu dalam pengawasan orangtua ya dan moderasi secara waktu sehingga bukannya jadi ‘babysitter’, tapi memang bisa jadi sarana belajar dan hiburan yang sesuai umur anak =D
Leonny recently posted..When Youtube is not always Bad for our Kids