Indonesian Presidential Election 2014 : Finally, There’s Hope!
Here’s a confession: I’ve never been interested in politics.
Especially, Indonesian politics.
Perhaps, because the image of Indonesian government officials simply has not been positive.
Officials sleep in meetings. Corruption charges yet no proper legal procedures.
Basically, not much improvements to the country over the decades.
It’s like, there’s no hope for Indonesia, if the leaders are ‘like THAT!’
[Inking our little finger, to ensure we only vote ONCE]
Has anything changed recently?
Definitely YES!
Since the year 2012, when Jakarta was electing its governors, we suddenly found ourselves voluntarily INVOLVED!
For the first time EVER, we willingly followed election updates and talked about it!
And, of course, we were super excited when Jokowi & Ahok actually WON!
(Such excitements over “who became what in the Indonesian government” NEVER happened in our lives before!)
We finally see two leaders who initiate POSITIVE CHANGE!Really, WHY has my response changed?
It’s all simply because, we FINALLY feel we have HOPE!
We finally see two leaders who initiate POSITIVE CHANGE in Jakarta!
Leaders who actually work and listen to the people AFTER they’re elected!
We live in Jakarta now and although it’s still jammed and flooded and chaotic in most areas, we DO see gradual changes and positive developments in the city of Jakarta since Jokowi & Ahok are in office!
With my own eyes, I see hundreds of trucks cleaning up a lake, cleaners regularly scooping up trash from the gutters, and projects – previously stalled ones! – actually starting!
I mean, haters can say whatever they like, but to me, I see POSITIVE changes, which were never there before.
It’s like, WOW, … FINALLY, by God’s grace and mercy on Indonesia, we have leaders who work for the people and strive to actually get things DONE!
… this is such a HUGE CHANGE of the people’s attitudes and responses towards ANY Presidential Election in Indonesia!So of course, it is NOT a surprise if we are AGAIN very much excited about the Indonesian Presidential Election, happening on Wednesday, 9 July!
I mean, we found ourselves VOLUNTARILY share news and views with others about our team choice : Jokowi and JK!
We even made sure we’re home in time to watch the weekly Presidential Debate on TV!
Seriously, this is such a HUGE CHANGE of the people’s attitudes and responses towards ANY Presidential Election in Indonesia!
And, if you ask me, it is because … we FINALLY feel WE HAVE HOPE for a better Indonesia!
Btw, I acknowledge that Jokowi-JK and their team are far from perfect. But, the way they serve the people, do their work, their leadership style, their humility, their previous works and track records somehow … earn our trust and support.
For once, we don’t just hear promises.
[The super huge volunteers and supporters, with Jokowi on stage. Photo by Jay Subiakto]
So guess what?
My hubby and I decided to go all the way to Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) with the 3 kids yesterday, a huge football stadium, to witness and be part of what we feel is one historical event!
We wanted to see, experience, and simply be amongst the crowd in this outdoor free-for-all concert, where more than 200 artists/celebrities performed for FREE, to show their voluntary support for Team no 2 – Jokowi and JK!
A great experience and exposure for the kids too!
For the first time ever, teams of volunteers organised the event, designed the stage and everything in support of their choice of President and Vice President!
And, tens and thousands (or perhaps there were more than 100,000 people?) came to the event, out of their own initiative.
The crowds were already leaving when we reached the stadium.
Everyone left in an orderly manner, to our surprise.
No ‘chaotic’ acts or behaviours.
[Behind us: when most of the crowds had left by around 6pm]
And you know what, I feel, one nice thing about it all was : Regardless of your background, race, beliefs and status, everyone there were together because we all share the same choice for a better Indonesia.
[With Heri and Ainun – Twitter @PasarSapi]
Ah. So there you go.
My first ever blog post this year on Indonesian politics!
And most likely, … my last for the year 2014 =)
(THIS is after all, a family blog =)
Anyway, here’s to a better Indonesia!
*Indonesians, … please don’t forget to vote for the next leaders, and support whatever is the result*