Making : Our Family Tree Painting
This was some three weeks ago.
My husband was away on a Mission Trip to Kalimantan for a week, and I somehow had this weird craving to paint.
You see, I came across different watercolour paintings on the web the week before, and somehow I was inspired to create something too.
I couldn’t rid the crave for days, and so in the end, near midnight, I took out a canvas and finally did it!
*so satisfied*
It was a simple painting of a family tree.
But, what I like about it, is that it also reminded me how we are all just branches that need to abide in the ‘True Vine’ in order to have life (John 15)
To end the post, I thought I should say that, I’m not a painter.
I can even count with just one hand how many times I’ve actually painted with watercolour on a canvas or drawing paper (not counting the times when the kids and I create things for their arts and crafts sessions =)
But I just went with it, and created something when the crave was there.
If you ever had that similar crave to create something, here’s me saying to you, ‘Go ahead and give it try!’
And, enjoy the process along the way.
Have fun! =)