Activity Idea for Toddlers : Scribbling on Tree Branches
Our 23-month-old Brie likes to scribble and draw.
And so, we did this together today :
On a drawing paper, I drew a tree with branches using a brown crayon.
As I scribbled, I explained to Brie that I’m drawing a tree, and that she’s to draw fruits and flowers ON the branches.
Then, I let her scribble circles on the branches, while I also did the same.
Yes, super simple activity for a toddler.
But, this way, I can see how she’s slowly learning the concept of seeing and placing ‘fruits / flowers’ ON the branches.
ie. Not just ‘anyhow’ scribble circles on the paper =)
Will be sharing more activity ideas for toddlers every now and then with you =)
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Thanks for sharing ci, wait for another activity ^^
Love the idea!
Thanks for sharing, will try it out with my 25 mth gal. She likes to just scribble as well.
Lovely idea.. I’m going to try it with my kids.. Thanks for sharing!~
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