A Quick Update on the 1st Day of December 2012!
Oh my.
It’s December 1st!
I mean, we are at the very end of the year 2012!
As cliché as it may sound, … I really do feel this year has gone so fast for me!
The year started off with the big decision to move to Jakarta.
A huge move for me and the kids.
We’re so busy with all that packing in those first 3 months.
And when we finally arrived in Jakarta, we’re again busy with getting things settled.
Settling down in our apartment. Anya – and me – adjusting to school life. Homeschooling Vai. Caring for Brie who – in the first few months – physically needed some adjustments to the overall hygiene, weather, pollution and food. Adjusting to the Indonesian culture (things are not as fast and efficient here, compared to Singapore) and of course, the infamous traffic jams, amongst many other ‘new stuff’.
And just when I thought things got pretty much settled and predictable, in came a new challenge.
I was offered a job.
And, I accepted it.
Because after praying, discussing it with hubby, and thinking about it for days, I strongly felt it’s something that I’ve been called to do.
A God-sent, because I too have the flexibility to do my work without having to sit in the office from morning to evening.
Which means, I still get to be with the kids like I usually do, while I juggle everything else.
I won’t deny it though. It’s not easy.
I’ve been sleeping ‘less’ because I do most of my work when the kids are asleep at night.
And I sometimes do feel tired. Very tired.
There’s a day, not too long ago, when I was feeling exhausted and I said to Wilson : You know, I felt there’s so much that I wanted to do but there’s just so little time.
I wanted to blog more, to edit my videos, to capture more moments, to bake again, to spend more time with the kids, to craft and make stuff, and of course, to also dedicate my energy and focus on the work that I have right now.
I’m no superwoman. I can get tired. And I have 24 hours a day, just like everyone else.
I wanted to do all that, but I obviously can’t.
I’m no superwoman. I can get tired. And I have 24 hours a day, just like everyone else.
And you know what he said ?
He said : Be thankful to God if you can still feel exhausted at the end of the day because you’re doing the works and responsibilities that HE has entrusted to you. Work that touches tens and thousands of lives too.
Be thankful to God if you are still called to do HIS work, even when it’s draining your energy.
How true.
How I thank God for such a reminder!
And how I thank God for a life partner who can remind, rebuke and encourage me.

That’s the quick update on how life’s been like most recently for me.
I am vulnerable, I have weaknesses, yet I am blessed and am constantly reminded that God is there to strengthen and help me.
Thank God for HIS help, patience and blessings throughout the year 2012.
Thank God for everything.
Photos in this post:
These are shots taken using my iphone from our balcony, a view of different kinds of mood and weather. And I feel they reflect our day to day life : different kinds of mood, but one same sky. Different kinds of life challenges, but one same God who watches over us, keeps HIS promises and remains unchanged forever.
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