Parenting : Discovering our Baby’s Temperament
Brie is 14 months old tomorrow!
And I’ve been seeing more and more of her stronger ‘temperament’ in the past two months!
In the past two weeks especially, she’s been particularly more fussy than usual.
I assume it’s because she’s probably teething.
She’s been more picky when it comes to mealtimes. She’d push the spoon away with her hands. She’d spew the food out.
She’d often ‘speak’ really, REALLY, loudly.
Like, half screaming.
At home and in public.
And, when she’s not allowed to hold something that she wants (eg. A pencil or a chopstick), she’d sit on the floor, cry a very sad and loud cry, lean forward till her face touches the floor. A few seconds later, she’d then cover her face with one hand.
Dramatic. I know.
(On a different note though, I can tell how she’s enjoying her older sister and brother’s company. She understands more and more of what we say to her and ask her to do. She walks a lot all on her own these days and is not too scared of trying new activities)
I find it interesting how babies ‘change’ as they grow.
Looking at the two older ones, some ‘baby days’ traits do stay the same, but many others do change and get better (err, some do get worse =)
As for Brie, I know she can get less loud or less fussy too as time goes by.
Looking at the two older ones, some traits do stay the same, but many others do change and get better
For now, I’m just finding it ‘amusing’ when dealing with her temperament, at 14 month old =)
I’d like to share what this website wrote about a baby’s temperament.
A little ‘check list’ that can perhaps help you when observing your own little ones.
Here goes:
– Calm or active?
Does she wiggle and jiggle all day, or is she content to sit back and relax, taking in the world around her? More active babies don’t sleep as much and they become restless when they’re supposed to be eating. They are curious, alert, and quick to pick up new skills.
Brie: I think she is definitely more of an active baby now. She’s very curious and she likes to observe and copy what she sees.
– Happy or sad?
Some babies are smiley, giggly, and sunny — and some just aren’t.
Brie: She’s definitely the happy type. She’d playfully initiate a smile and wave good bye to strangers.
– Predictable or not?
Some babies are very “regular” babies — waking, sleeping, eating, and playing at the same time, in the same way each day. Some others are more unpredictable, and need to be eased into a more regular pattern whenever possible.
Brie: She’s more towards the predictable type, but not ‘so regular’
Calm or Active? Happy or Sad? Predictable or Not? Adaptable or Cautious? Intense or Easygoing?
– Adaptable or cautious?
When faced with a new person, place, or even plaything, does your baby carry on as if nothing’s changed, or does she need plenty of time to warm up?
Brie: So far, she’d most likely carry on like nothing has changed
– Intense or easygoing?
Babies who are sensitive to sensory stimulation may react strongly to loud noises, bright lights, even strong smells. Other babies may be oblivious. Knowing what upsets the baby goes a long way toward helping her avoid the troubling triggers.
Brie: She’s more of the easygoing type. So far, she’d tag along and is fine whenever we bring her to new places.
Although our baby Brie sometimes is challenging lately, I’m still loving her presence in our little family.
Although our baby Brie sometimes is challenging lately, I’m still loving her presence in our little family.
And, I feel blessed to have been able to watch her grow every day, be involved and be a part of her growing up years.
Btw, so how’s YOUR baby’s temperament? =)
Have fun discovering and observing your little one yeah!
PS: We’re off to Singapore today to attend the Singapore Blog Awards 2012! (To be held at the Singapore Flyer tomorrow afternoon). So EXCITED to be in Singapore again, though just for the weekend! =)