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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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UnSeen Dollar : Interview by Channel NewsAsia on The ‘Value of Motherhood’

31 January 2012No Comment

Remember how I shared this photo a few months back and how I was interviewed by Channel NewsAsia?

The programme is finally going on air! THIS WEEK!

Episode 1 of the programme ‘UnSeen Dollar’ will be on Channel NewsAsia this Thursday, 2 February 2012, at 9.30pm Singapore time.

It can also be watched in many other countries across the Asia Pacific. Like for example, if you have cable TV in Jakarta, the programme will air on the same day, at 8.30pm WIB!

You see, the society in general tends to value something based on its dollars and cents, ie. If something can’t be measured in dollars and cents, it therefore has ‘no value’.

Is that really so?

To me, being a mother is one of those things in life that CANNOT be measured in dollars and cents, nevertheless the role of a positively and actively involved mother in a child’s life is … invaluable.

Really, I feel very honoured to have been able to share my personal views on this topic.

[The production crew filmed how my day as a ‘mother’ was, from the moment I got Anya ready for school at 6am, how Wilson left for the airport, how the kids and I took a public bus, how we went to get the groceries, etc]

I did share more of my views on being a stay at home mother during the actual interview, but of course not all can be included =)

Still, I thought the production team did a great job in choosing the final interview footages that go into the final edited clip. My views on motherhood and its importance were put together well by the team.


This is specially dedicated to all precious mothers out there!


Please help spread the word?

May it be an encouragement and blessing to many!

PS: Thanks heaps for the encouraging comments and ‘likes’ left on my Facebook! Really appreciate it!

Btw, I just realised that apparently the episode will be on air for a few days!

Here are the timings (SG time) yeah:

Thursday, 2 Feb, 9.30pm
Friday, 3 Feb, at 10.30am
Saturday, 4 Feb, at 3.30pm
Sunday, 5 Feb, at 5.30pm

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