Mother & Baby Indonesia – August 2011 : Pregnant with Baby Brie, Featured!
Hello everyone,
Here’s one exciting news to share : Baby Brie’s ‘tummy journey’ was featured on Mother & Baby Indonesia magazine! Yep, our little family is in this month’s issue! =)
Every month the magazine has a feature called ‘Great Expectation’, and I’m this month’s Mommy! *am very honoured*
The whole article was based on my ‘Week-by-Week Pregnancy Journal Page‘. It was summarised and became a ‘Monthly Pregnancy Journal’ by the magazine.
*Thanks Sandra for the nice write-up!*
I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to share how my pregnancy journey was.
And Brie, well … she sure is a blessed baby indeed to have her 9-month-journey featured and published! Her first official media feature =)
Hope what’s been shared can be a blessing to many.
Click to read or view larger images of PAGE ONE and PAGE TWO.