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Photos : Earth Hour 2011 @ Marina Bay

29 March 20116 Comments

So. Did you ‘participate’ in this year’s Earth Hour?

[Read about what ‘Earth Hour‘ is HERE, and click HERE to visit Earth Hour Singapore site!]

The four of us were there at Marina Bay last Saturday! (yep, we were out and about from morning till night time that day, after our Sentosa outing and all! Thanking God for the energy given to me that day =)


Let me share some captured moments first yeah!

(all taken with my Canon Powershot S90)

[Marina Bay Sands continues with its weekly ‘free outdoor lights show’ at 8pm that night]

[We packed our dinner and had it by the river. Nice weather, view and atmosphere!]

[As part of the ‘party’, there were live concerts, a movie screening, booths and carnivals. Surrounding buildings were ‘well-lit’ throughout the night]

[Earth hour officially ‘started’ here, and the crowds went for their ‘first ever Earth Hour Night Walk’. I obviously skipped this 3.5km walk! I’d  probably go straight into labour if I did join in, haha!]

And here’s my frank opinion.

Personally, I felt the whole thing was more of a ‘celebration’ instead of an event meant to share the ‘green message’ and encourage the mass to do their part in ‘conservation’ and ‘energy-saving’ in their day to day lives.

By the time ‘Earth Hour’ started at 8.30pm, it was also still ‘bright’, with most surrounding buildings/offices still having their lights on.


Regardless of whether you participated in this year’s Earth Hour or not, I’d like to encourage everyone to do our part, however small, in reducing the use of energy at home, in recycling what we can, etc.

I shared some practical tips in my previous post on ‘energy saving’. Click HERE to read it.

And there’re some ‘green’ tips too on the Earth Hour’s website, click HERE to check it out.

Anya expected it to be ‘very dark’ when Earth Hour started, so she was a little disappointed to see how it was still very bright =) But anyway, kids being kids, they still had fun running around and all.

A nice (though physically demanding) day out for us all!

If you’d like to share your views on ‘Earth Hour’, you’re most welcome =)


  • Sherlyn says:

    I like what you said, that the earth hour thing is more like a celebration than an event to drive a message across. However, we did our part by switching off our lights but not the essentials (like fridge) and had great family bonding time on the bed chit chatting. We explaint to the kids that not all the lights can go off cos some are just essentials.

  • Gwen says:

    I feel somewhat that there appears to be so much concentrated energy consumption from the Marina Bay Earth Hour event that net-net, it probably negated the efforts of individual homes out there who did try to comply…

  • Leonny says:

    Hi Sam!

    Yep, kids will pick up our habits, and it’s nice to hear about Cayden’s willingness to do something for the environment too =)

    Actually, I don’t see myself (or my family) as THAT green, but we do exercise ‘small, simple’ day to day actions, like ‘recycling, reusing and reducing’.

    And, … hope your pregnancy goes smoothly all the way … =)

  • Leonny says:

    Hi Phoebe!

    Thanks for writing in and for reading up all this while! Nice to (finally) hear from you =)

    I guess, when the little ones are exposed, from time to time, to why they need to conserve energy etc … they’ll pick it up and make it a habit too?

    Stay in touch! =)

  • Samantha says:

    Yes we did! Cayden now wouldn’t waste water and electricity after i show him the Japan quake images and explain the meaning of Earth hour. He will do what he can now to make the Earth get well soon.

  • Phoebe says:

    Hi Leonny,
    I have been a silent reader of your blog and enjoyed a lot of your parenting tips. My family also participated in the Earth Hour twice @ home by switching off the lights and fans. (Even though all the other units near my block are still lighted, even the corridors). My kids also asked the same question.. why are the surroundings still bright? 🙂

    Primarily, I just hope my children will learn to conserve energy (not only on Earth Hour) but it is good to create some public awareness. 🙂

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