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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Sunday’s Food for Thought : We Gain, We Lose. But how’s our response?

3 October 20103 Comments

Do you realise that each time we gain something, we actually lose something as well?

When we ‘gain a husband’, we ‘lose’ our ‘free time’ (or ‘freedom’) as a single woman.

When we ‘gain’ a child in the family, we ‘lose’ our body figure (well, at least some of us do!), and rest time.

Basically, when we gain something, we also naturally lose some other things.

Things are simply NOT like how it was before.

Now you see, our response towards something actually greatly depends on our belief and understanding of ‘where it came from’.

It is only when we realise that what we’ve gained or what we’ve received (be it our work, family, food, children, spouse, etc) is all given by God that we can see our life and actually BE THANKFUL.

For example:

– We’ll see our children not as a heavy burden, but as a blessing.

And when we see them as a blessing and a gift in the family, the way we treat our little ones and deal with them during challenging moments will be different too.

So, how’s our response towards life and our family?

“… always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
– Ephesians 5:20

[This post is my personal reflection after listening to Ev. Maria Mazo who shared with us the verse above]


  • Helen says:

    Thanks Leonny for this wonderful post! Love it! 🙂

  • Irene says:

    I like this post.. 🙂 Thanks.. reading ur blog always bring me much comfort and needed reminder, motivation and energy. 🙂

  • byihui says:

    thank you for the gentle reminder! its indeed true and depending on whether one is a pessimist or an optimist, the former will focus on what he has lost while the latter will focus on what he has gained. each of us has a choice to decide what to make of our own situation. hope we would make the right choice of seeing the gains much more than the losses.

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