Eye Discharge and Swimming
I thought I should share this with you.
Earlier this week, I noticed Anya started to have frequent light green discharge on both her eyes.
The discharge kept on ‘appearing’ even after I gently wiped it away.
Anya felt her eyes were a little itchy too (but there’s no redness or swelling of the eyes, nor runny nose).
And so I thought something was definitely wrong. And it could possibly be related to her going swimming with Vai and Daddy the day before.
Anyway, I would never delay seeing a doctor when it comes to eye-related situations, and so the kids and I went to our family doctor soon after and was prescribed ‘Fracitin‘ eye drops for the eye infection.
(btw, our doctor couldn’t pinpoint whether it’s viral or bacterial infection … it’s kinda hard to say, I guess, especially since Vai and Daddy who swam together with her were both totally okay)
That was on Monday evening, and she was better by Tuesday morning.
I’m glad we immediately went to see a doctor and got it treated before it got any worse.
Now, I hope to hear stories from you.
– Have you or your little ones experienced similar situations? How was it and how long was the recovery period?
– What medicine / eye drops were given to you at the time? (if you can still recall, that is)
I’d LOVE to hear from you.
I’m sure lots of other readers will benefit from it too. Thanks everyone!
Devan was having LOTS of green discharge from his right eye since yesterday morning. though he was not very bothered by it, and he displayed no itch.
Couldn’t explain what made it happen, but i do frequently wiped his right eye with tissue paper and wash his eye with water. restrained myself from using wet towel as whatever that caused the discharge might stay on the towel even after a wash.
thankfully by evening time, no more discharge appear.
thn lalu JL pernah ada discharge warna ijo jg. ga inget gara2 apa. bukan krn berenang sih. mgkn mmg krn immune systemnya lg down jg kali. batuk pilek jg wkt itu. dan gw nyesel kaga bawa dia ke dokter ASAP. discharge got worse, sampe ke tahap banyak sekali sampe kedua eyelids nempel, ga bs buka mata. udah kaya gitu, baru gw bw ke dokter. conjunctivitis kata dokter. obat tetes mata biasa ga mempan katanya. jadi prescribed utk chlorsig (ini ada yg eye drop, ada yg ointment), dokter saranin yg ointment aja, lbh gampang utk administer ke anak kecil. kentel sekali ointmentnya ini. tutup mata, trus taro pas di garis kedua eyelid yg lg nutup itu, jadi pas buka mata, bs lgsg masuk ke dlm mata. cuma pake 3 kali, udah sembuh total.
Le, Noah jg stlh renang bs gitu. Tp ga keluar discharge. Malah bengkak dibwh mata. Tp biasanya by 1 day, uda kempes. Nah yaa.. Yg gw mau ksh tau, kalo ibu2 di indo, biasanya bilang, kl mata ada discharge, itu artinya anaknya cacingan. Haha. Ga tau bener ato engga. Tp they say it’s 1 of the indication. Ya elu tau lah di jkt, anak gampang cacingan. So obat cacing is readily available in apotik. It’s an indo disease. Haha..
kebetulan sekitar 2minggu yang lalu juga mirip2 kejadiannya ke Andrew. kejadiannya juga abis berenang. paginya keluar eye discharge ijo2 sampe nempel2 pula.
tapi karena gak merah, dan dia bilang gak gatel (cuma berasa gak enak aja ada yang nempel2), gak runny nose, gak panas, dan tetep aktif seperti biasa, kita rasa bukan pink eye… keliatannya sih cuma karena kecapean (weekendnya emang banyak banget aktifitas dan dia kurang tidur) dan kurang minum air kayaknya… jadi kita monitor aja, gak ke dokter dan gak kasih obat… setelah 2-3 hari sembuh sendiri… 🙂