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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Eight Things about our Children that We Should Pray For

28 March 201011 Comments

Wilson and I have been attending weekly Bible Class on the topic of ‘Spiritual Formation for Children’, and we’ve been really blessed by every teaching shared by Ev. Maria Mazo.

We learned about SO many important parenting and biblical principles.

And we’re reminded too about how we really MUST depend on God’s grace, wisdom and strength when it comes to being parents.

Because we ourselves are sinners. And so are our little ones.


One of the topics we covered recently was about praying for our children.

We all love our children and we surely pray for them.


When we pray, do we pray for specific things? Or have we been praying for general things? 

Now. First things first.

The Bible tells us to ‘pray unceasingly’ (1 Thes 5:17).

This basically means we should pray frequently. It also means that we should remember to say a little prayer wherever we are – even as we’re walking about, waiting around or doing things.


So what things about our children’s lives that we should be praying about?

1. Pray for your our children to be protected from physical, mental and emotional harm

2. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to make Himself known in the hearts, lives and relationships of your children

3. Pray for children’s spiritual growth, character development, and help with any character weaknesses

4. Pray for their views and attitudes about themselves

5. Pray for their ability to say NO to temptations

6. Pray that they will turn away from wrong directions that they might be going towards

7. Pray for the friendships they’re choosing

8. Pray for them to remember that WE LOVE them

When parents truly pray for their children, their prayers bind their souls and the souls of their children, and ultimately their lives and relationships will deepen even more.

So here’s a question to us all:

How have we prayed for our children whom God has entrusted in our care?


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